7 Key Questions to Ask Before Hiring Movers

7 Key Questions to Ask Before Hiring Movers

After most Americans turn 18, they’ll move 9 times before settling down. Can you imagine moving your furniture that many times without help? 

Friends and family aren’t reliable movers. They could cost you more in repairs than what you’d pay hiring movers.

How do you find a trustworthy mover? Use these 7 questions to ask movers. Compare answers from 3-4 companies to find your ideal moving company.

Do You Have a License?

A qualified moving company carries several certifications and licenses. Get this information first to make sure the business isn’t a scam.

First, the mover must have a basic business license. The mover also needs to register with the USDOT and FMCSA. These agencies track the safety of companies operating commercial vehicles in the US.

Is There Liability Insurance?

Liability insurance ensures you don’t pay for broken items. Movers like Inner City Moving & Storage Company all carry basic insurance.

The 3 types of insurance:

  • Basic – Pays between $0.30 and $0.60 per pound
  • Declared Value – Pays the depreciated value, plus $1.25 per pound
  • Full Replacement – Pays the full value

Declared value plans have the best price. Upgrade only if you own expensive belongings.

What Costs Come with Hiring Movers?

Movers use 2 pricing methods to calculate the major costs. Some companies use both.

The first method charges a flat rate per pound loaded on the truck, plus distance fees. The second pricing method uses a by-the-hour model. The mover also adds in fees for each worker. 

Are There Any Hidden Costs?

Before you sign an agreement, ask the mover for an itemized list of costs. Discuss ways you can lower the extra fees. 

Possible extra moving costs:

  • Fees for stairwells/elevators
  • Long-carry fees
  • Oversized items
  • Refueling 

Things like long-carry fees are easy to fix. Make sure the truck has room to park closer to the house.

What Are the Terms for Delays?

Your service agreement contains a section about pickup and delivery times. Within that section, there’s also an item detailing penalties if they delay delivery. 

Movers use a 24-48 hour window for their delivery schedule. After that time, they suffer a per-day penalty for missing delivery. The sole exceptions for delays are those caused by nature.

Do You Have a Packing Service?

Sometimes you’re asked to move with short notice. Not even superheroes have time to plan a move, work, and pack their house.

Ask your mover if they offer:

  • Packing/unpacking services
  • Appliance/electronics packing
  • Art/antique packing
  • Temperature-controlled wine moving services

Packing your collectibles takes time and materials. Movers have training and tools to work faster.

Can You Handle a Tricky Move?

Moving from one apartment to another stresses out everyone in both complexes. You need a mover able to work around other occupants without disrupting their lives.

Moves from apartments include:

  • Navigating elevators
  • Parking regulations
  • Stairwells
  • Narrow hallways

Look for reviews about the movers before hiring them. Reviews give you an honest look at the movers’ skills.

Now You Know How to Hire Movers You Can Trust

Hiring movers to handle your last-minute move will save you from stress. What would take you weeks to finish, they can handle in a couple of days.

Ask movers these questions, and you’re sure to find a trustworthy company. With the extra time and energy, you can enjoy your move.

For tips on decorating your new home, visit the Home Improvement section.