What Is 0x0 0x0 Error And How To Fix It Permanently?

0x0 0x0 Error

0x0 0x0 error is one of the most common errors that people face around the globe. There are various reasons why this error may occur. So, one of the most common reasons why it occurs is probably because of an incorrect system setting. Apart from that, it can also occur if you make a wrong or irregular entry in the Windows Registry file. 

So, in that case, you can just solve the issue using special software that we use to restore elements on Windows Computers. Naturally, we can say that this 0x0 0x0 error on PC is quite a common issue. Every day, we do get complaints from users about this error on their computers. Of course, it can become an annoying error that prevents you from working on your Windows PC. 

However, there’s nothing to worry about because there are a lot of methods available with which you can solve this error. So, if you want to know how you can solve this 0x0 0x0 error, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best ways to solve this error using various methods. So, now’s the time to go through this article and get solutions. 

What Are The Reasons For This 0x0 0x0 Error?

The code 0x0 0x0 error can occur due to lots of reasons, as we mentioned before. So, let’s take a look at some of the reasons for this error.

  • First of all, if your PC is showing a 0x0 error code, then there’s something wrong with your PC and it requires an immediate solution. If you install software incorrectly or let’s say the process of installation has failed, then this error can occur.

    Well, if the installation of software fails, then it may leave invalid entries in the system. Therefore, you need to clean up your computer disc and get rid of those entries. 
  • Next, it can also occur if you make any invalid or incorrect entries in the Windows registry file. 
  • Furthermore, you may also see the 0x0 0x0 error code if you shut down your computer incorrectly. An improper shutdown due to power failure may also become a reason for this error. 
  • Probably there’s a virus or malware that has affected your PC and that’s why you are getting this error. 
  • An outdated video card driver, power failure, invalid entries, etc are some of the reasons why this 0x0 0x0 error occurs. 

What Are The Ways To Fix This Common Error?

As we said earlier, there are various reasons why this 0x0 0x0 error may come up. However, there are lots of ways you can fix that. Below we have mentioned some of the best methods to take care of this persistent problem. However, you have to make sure that you perform each method properly. Otherwise, the issue won’t be solved. 

1. Try To Close Conflicting Programs

Firstly, you can try to close conflicting programs. Generally, 0x0 0x0 error code may occur when two or more software or programs interface with each other. So, that’s why, in order to solve this, you have to stop these computer programs. How to do that? Well, it’s pretty simple. 

  • First, you need to open Task manager and then you will see the list of running apps. 
  • You can stop the apps one by one by selecting each one and clicking on the ‘End process’ button. 
  • Next, you can also monitor the error notice for recurrence. 
  • Once you know the program that’s causing the error it’s time to end the process and troubleshoot it. If that doesn’t work, then you can try reinstalling the application again. 

2. Run A Disk Cleanup

If the above method doesn’t work, then you can try running disk cleanup. So, as it happens, the code 0x0 0x0 error may occur due to a shortage of free space on your computer. That’s why you should run a disk clean-up. However, make sure to take a backup of all the data on your disc beforehand. 

In order to run the disc clean-up, you can open the Explorer window and right-click on the Main directory. From there, you can run the Disc clean-up. Furthermore, it’s also worth noting that you can run the clean-up through the properties menu. 

3. Update Windows & Antivirus 

Sometimes if you don’t update your OS and software such as antivirus software, then this 0x0 0x0 error may occur. That’s why we highly recommend you update your Windows computer and also the Antivirus software. Once you have updated your Antivirus software, you can also run a full scan and restart the PC. 

4. It’s Time To Reinstall The Graphics Drivers

If there’s a faulty graphics card driver, then it may cause this 0x0 0x0 error. So, in that case, you have to reinstall the driver. Once you reinstall the driver, restart the computer, and the problem should be solved. 

5. Format The PC

So, if everything fails, then it’s time to format the computer. You can run a full format or you may also format just the Windows drive. However, before that, you may want to run a computer repair first and fix any invalid windows registry files. 


0x0 0x0 error is one of the most common errors that can annoy you. However, it’s pretty easy to solve this issue through various means. If you follow the methods that we discussed above, then you may solve the issue.

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