Why are vaccines during pregnancy considered so vital?

Vaccines during pregnancy

Those months of pregnancy are indeed the most crucial period for the mother and the family too. And during this period vaccination plays a very important role in the health of the mother and the pre-born baby. Vaccines are given to the mother to give immunity from any kind of unwanted disease both for the mother and the child.

So here is everything that one should know about the importance of vaccines which are suggested to a lady who is pregnant:

  1. First and foremost there is a benefit for women to be immunized with vaccines. Because once a woman is a vaccine it surely reduces their chances of morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases and so doctors advise mothers to take Vaccines during pregnancy.
  2. Secondly what is also more important for the mother and the family to know is to know well about the vaccines and the kind given to the mother. So therefore before administering a vaccine to a pregnant woman, the prenatal health care provider must know the immunogenic material in the vaccine in detail.
  3. Thirdly this is also very vital for the mother and the family to be aware of. So here you need to know that generally, vaccines that contain killed or inactivated viruses can be given during pregnancy. Vaccines that contain live viruses are not recommended for pregnant women because they are not considered to be very healthy for the mother and the child too.
  4. Here the most important task is that the Health care providers and patients should be aware that the reassuring safety data for use of the aforementioned vaccines in pregnancy are compelling, and there is no link to vaccine administration and miscarriage.
  5. Also fifthly you should also know that Vaccines in early pregnancy provides an added benefit to immunizing during pregnancy is the potential for disease prevention in newborns. They do it by way of passive antibody transfer to the fetus. So that way your baby is safe from any unwanted disease and as a mother your baby’s safety is and should be the first priority.
  6. And sixthly, therefore, offering pregnant patients influenza and Tdap vaccines is an avenue to protect newborn infants at a critically vulnerable time and before neonates can be vaccinated. Patients who decline vaccinations indicated during pregnancy should be offered and given postpartum immunization for sure. But remember that consultation with your doctor is the most important before you take any step during your pregnancy period.
  7. Also lastly you need to remember that your health care provider will recommend avoiding vaccines that contain live viruses during pregnancy because they pose a theoretical risk. And if you are planning a pregnancy, talk to your doctor about any vaccines you might need beforehand. Live vaccines should be given at least a month before conception.

So, in a nutshell, we can decipher to the conclusion that vaccines are considered important because it helps to keep germs and diseases away from the mother and the child too.