Shop Safety Tips 2023

First Aid Kit

Part of having an auto body shop is keeping you and your workers safe. Any shop has potential dangers. It’s also a fact that mechanics are more likely to be injured or killed on the job than people in other professions. Whether a minor incident or an emergency occurs, you should prepare your shop for any safety issues that might come up.

What Should Be in a First Aid Kit?

There is no required or standardized option for first aid kits in the United States. However, according to faw courses a variety of bandages, compresses, absorbent pads, gauze, and adhesives to be readily available in the workplace. ROGO Fastener offers several basic and larger first-aid kit options. You should also consider having the following:

  • Antiseptic towelettes
  • Cold packs
  • Burn cream
  • Tape
  • Eyewash or an eye dressing kit
  • Gloves
  • Scissors

It’s important to have the correct items and quantity to handle most minor situations.

What Are Common Shop Injuries?

Part of preparing your shop for the unexpected is anticipating what possible injuries or accidents could occur in the shop and what you can do about them.

The most common injuries in a garage are cuts. They can happen at any time, and luckily most are minor. You should immediately send workers with severe cuts to an emergency room or urgent care.

Burns are also common in shop settings, so having burn cream is essential.

Garages and body shops have many different solvents, paints, fluids and fuels that can damage the eyes. Having an eye washing kit or an eye washing station can help you get your eyes cleaned quickly and avoid more extensive damage.

Where Should You Store First Aid Kits?

The best place to store any first aid kit is in plain sight where anyone can easily access it. ROGO Fastener first aid kits come in metal boxes that you can easily mount to the wall and have ready to go. There are also more extensive kits available that come in portable cases. You could keep one or two in the bay and one by the register or the waiting area.

Should Your Employees Be First Aid Trained?

It’s always a good idea, but having your employees first aid trained is not obligatory. While it may not be legally required to have first aid training, it’s crucial to create a safety culture in your body shop so that your employees know what they should do in the case of an injury or emergency. Teaching your employees and modeling safe behaviors, such as wearing personal protection equipment, using safety catches on the lifts, and keeping electrical cords and other tools in proper working condition can contribute to a safer work environment and fewer accidents.

How Can ROGO Fastener Help?

When it comes to safety, you can never care too much. Your health now and long term depends on how seriously you take safety and first aid equipment now. They’d be happy to help you find the right first aid kit for your shop or answer any other questions you may have. Just reach out to ROGO here.

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