Securing Your Digital Stack: A Beginner’s Guide

Securing Your Digital Stack A Beginner’s Guide

For businesses large and small, your digital stack is the backbone of your productivity. It’s where your software and data are stored, interacting productively to drive profits and growth for your firm. While the technicalities of your stack might be lost on you, they’re not completely opaque. In this short guide, we’ll introduce you to your stack, showing you where it’s worth securing your digital assets to ensure they’re never affected by cybercriminals or bugs. This will help lend security to your entire business, giving you the confidence that your technology can be relied upon month after month. 

Data Protection 

Data protection is no longer just a business imperative in terms of protecting a valuable internal asset. It’s also a legal requirement, with sensitive consumer data likely to reside within your digital systems. With this in mind, this is the first place you should be looking to secure. With the help of specialist firms like Spectral, you’ll be able to find technical ways to secure sensitive personal or business data that could be costly to lose. Data security achieved, you’ll be able to move on to other points of weakness in your stack.

Stack Audit

You may be unaware of just how complex your digital stack really is. This is especially true of those business owners who haven’t taken a great deal of training in the technical elements of their business. So, it’s important to speak with your IT team to ask them about your digital stack from the get-go. Ask them to audit the technology you use, conducting due diligence checks on each software solution you’re running. Once they’ve mapped out your digital systems, you’ll be able to discuss with them where more protective measures should be put in place. 

Cloud Computing 

Your stack is likely on the cloud. That’s because it’s the most efficient way for your software to link up via APIs, creating the seamless digital ecosystem that your business is built upon. But while the cloud is incredibly useful for developers and business leaders alike, it also comes with its security issues. Cloud security is different from your usual cybersecurity, and you’ll need a specific package of software to protect files and data stored on the cloud. Make sure you’re paying for cloud cybersecurity you can rely upon in order to protect large swathes of your digital infrastructure from disruption or breaches. 


Finally, it’s worth highlighting that your digital stack isn’t only under threat from bad actors in the cybercriminal world. It’s also under threat of technological development that could leave your digital infrastructure out of date and redundant. In this sense, it’s important for your IT team to work on your digital stack throughout the year, tinkering with each software solution to ensure they’re updated and working smoothly. Sustainable technology here means tech that you can be confident will work in a year’s time. Sometimes that means swapping software in and out – but it’s crucial to do so for the health of your firm. 

These four tips are designed for non-technical managers to understand how to protect and maintain their digital stack in the face of digital threats.

Read Also : 8 Tips for Improving Business Cybersecurity for Small Businesses