How To Repair Corrupt Or Damaged Mp4 Video Files On Windows And MAC?

how to uncorrupt a video file

Who doesn’t love watching videos? Whether it be a comedy skit or a short film, videos of some sort are what keep many people entertained.

Not only that, the fact that you can freeze your memories in the form of videos is a recommendable aspect. This method to keep the memory alive had been introduced many years ago.

However, there is also a chance that the videos you have saved may have been deleted. In that case, what would you do? While the corrupted video file repair seems like a viable option, many don’t know how to do it.

We only have three words for you. “Stellar Repair for Video“. There are several ways you can use to repair a damaged video. However, nothing can match the efficacy of the Stellar repair video system.

Today, we will share with you an honest review of what Stellar Repair System is. And how it can assist you to fix corrupted mp4 videos without any issue.

What Are The Reasons That May Corrupt The Videos?

There are multiple reasons why the videos may get corrupted. Knowing how the files get corrupted is how you move forward to fixing it. Therefore, we have gathered around a few reasons why you may notice a corrupted file.

  • If you end up converting video files using any untrustworthy software.
  • Secondly, if any virus or malware attack on a video or device takes place.
  • If you notice any sudden shut down while you download or record any video.
  • If you convert the videos into different file formats
  • In addition, if you use a faulty video player to play the videos
  • Lastly, unsafe removal of the external device may harm the video as well.

An Honest Review Of The Stellar Repair Software:

Stellar Repair for video is considered to be one of the unique software. It repairs all video files that you might have shot using any device. It could be a DSLR, smartphone, or downloaded file itself. Moreover, the software holds the capacity to fix videos that stop playing, flicking, shuttering, or blurry for no reason.

Furthermore, it can handle any corrupted video files that tend to appear like they will not play after using several video players. The Stellar Repair software possesses an advanced repair function that tends to fix corrupted video files.

What Makes Stellar Repair For Video Stand Out From The Rest?

Multiple features of the software are what make the application stand out from its competitors. Not only does it repair mp4 video mac, but also on Android. Here are some features of the software that make it worthy.

●      Advanced Video Repair:

As we have already mentioned above the reason behind corrupted videos. Such reasons can give rise to broken videos. Nonetheless, you can easily repair it using the Repair Stellar software. The advanced video repair feature of Stellar Repair software can fix any issue, no matter the source. All you require is a sample of the software to repair the corrupted video.

●      Fixes Several Corruption Issues:

This particular software tends to fix several issues related to corruption all at once. If you notice your video launcher displaying messages such as “error loading media files” or “could not play video”. Then you must use this particular video software system. It can also repair frozen or blurry videos.

●      You Can Preview The Repaired Videos:

This particular software will also allow you to repair videos without any issue. It will thus allow you to save your time and effort. The preview is one of the major features that would make all the difference in the world.

●      Fixes Videos Made On Several Devices:

If you are worried that the software will not repair the videos made on different devices, then you are working. Supports files in different formats. Such formats include WMV, MTS, M4V, AVCHD, ASF, MPEG, MP4, F4V, 3GP, etc.

Now that we have covered much of the features that make it commendable. Let us share with you how the Stellar Repair for Video works.

The procedure of repairing the video files includes a simple process. All you need is to select and add the damaged video into the software. After some time, you will have to use the application of features to get the result you desire.

It has two repair modes. The basic repair mode, and the advanced mode. The basic mode generally allows the user to fix very minor video issues. However, when it comes to the advanced repair modes, then you may notice that it repairs highly damaged videos.

How To Fix Corrupted Video Files Mp4 Using Stellar Repair Software?

One of the major questions that many individuals, do not know how to fix videos, ask is how to fix corrupted mp4 files. Following we have mentioned the steps of how to fix the video files using Stellar Repair software.

  1. Step one requires you to corrupt the video files. You must open the stellar repair software. Then, you need to add video files. You can choose to add multiple files by using the “Add button”. Normally, you may find it on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
  2. Now, you have to repair the added file. After you add the corrupted video, you will have to upload it to the software interface. You now need to click on the “Repair” button. Moreover, you may find it on the far right side of the dashboard. Keep in mind that this process may take a little time before it gets completed.
  3. Once you do the process, you will receive a notification. The notification would indicate “Completed Status.” Now, you can choose to see the repaired video before saving it.
  4. After you make sure that everything is in order, you need to click on the option of the “Save Repaired Files” button.

Pricing Of Stellar Repair For Video

There are multiple packages that you can access to fix your damaged videos. Depending on the package, you will access the features. The higher you go, the better elements you will acquire to fix the damaged video.

  • Standard

This package will allow you to fix corrupt, damaged, unleashed, and broken videos. The cost of this package is 1,999 INR. Moreover, this package would allow you to fix multiple videos at one go.

  • Professional

Considered to be the best seller in the market, this will allow you to repair corrupt videos as well as photos. The package comes at an affordable cost of 4,499 INR. Moreover, it will help you repair severely corrupted videos with advanced features.

  • Premium

This particular package will assist you in repairing corrupt videos, photos as well as recovering the deleted videos and photos. The cost of this package is 4,999 INR. Moreover, the corrupt files that you can fix include MP4, MOV, AVI, etc. The advanced repair for severely corrupt videos can easily be done using the Premium package. Moreover, you can also recover the deleted data.

Ending Note:

Stella Repair Software is one of the excellent tools that you can use to create content. Especially if you want to make video content. It will live up to the hype it has been creating online. Not only that, but you will be able to fix any issue if it arises. So, next time when you think of “how to uncorrupt mp4 file”, think of stellar repair software.