Metal Roofing vs Shingle Roofing. Which Should I Choose?

Metal Roofing vs Shingle Roofing

You’re a homeowner, and you need a new roof for your home after your old one was irreparably damaged after a storm, what would you get? Among the most popular choices are the metal and shingle roofs. The shingle roof is known as the traditional roof type, while the metal one is more modern, and many might lean towards the latter merely because it’s newer, but one shouldn’t quickly dismiss shingles altogether.

There are different factors to consider when buying roofs, and the budget is one crucial thing to consider since you can’t spend money when you don’t have it. Read on to know more about both metal and shingle roofing.


A lot of people are currently leaning towards metal roofing when it comes to protecting their homes from the harsh elements, and this shift is already becoming a trend that would stay by 2020. While seemingly expensive, many still opt to get them thanks to their sleek look, longevity, recyclability, and excellent resistance to extreme weather conditions.

For homeowners looking for energy-efficient roofing options, metal roofs are excellent, mainly when applied with modern coatings and paints. Such coatings let metal roofs reduce the amount of heat that your home absorbs by reflecting it, keeping your house more comfortable during hot months.

Many homeowners are actively looking for metal roofs since it gives them a chance to get their home to look like how they wanted it to be. People have a lot of selection to choose from, including the type of metal, the color, style, and type of roof to be used.

Besides those mentioned above, there are more advantages one could get from using metal roofs.

  • Lightweight – Metal roofs are lightweight, making them relatively easy to handle, transport, and install. Since metal roofing is light, it won’t put any unnecessary stress on your home’s structure, reducing frame damage and preserving your home’s structural integrity.
  • Longevity – Compared to shingles, metal roofs last longer, being able to reach up to 50 years until it degrades. Due to the variety of metal available to use as a roof, homeowners can opt to get zinc or copper roofs, which have been known to last around a hundred years or longer. Metal roofing comes in different types, including aluminum, copper, stainless steel, and zinc.
  • Fire Resistance – The typical metal roof is Class A fire-rated and isn’t combustible, which makes it more resistant to catching fire. A roof can receive damage in wildfire-prone areas due to hot embers and ashes falling on the roof, which could even burn it down if it’s made of wood, but such isn’t the case with metal roofs. Metal roofs are less likely to catch fire than shingle roofs.
  • Excellent Weathering Performance – Metal stands out easily as the most durable roofing material there is as evidenced by how they last against even extreme weather conditions. Metal roofs are designed to withstand strong winds, driving rain, snow, hail, extreme cold, and extreme heat, and people would see this benefit if their metal roofs are properly installed.
  • Low Maintenance – As long as the metal roof is properly installed, homeowners won’t have to worry much about maintaining their roofing besides changing if any leaves and branches get stuck on the roof and the gutters. People would only likely need to check on their metal roofs twice a year and if your roof has just weathered a storm.

Shingle Roofing

Even though a lot of people already know about metal roofs, shingle roofs still outnumber metal roofs mainly because it’s been the traditional choice for one’s roofing, whether for households or businesses during the last century. One might think that metal roofs are better all together, but one shouldn’t easily discount shingle roofs

Shingle roofs are cheaper than their metal counterparts, making them a popular choice for those who couldn’t afford to get metal roofs. Besides the cost, many homeowners enjoy other benefits available when using shingle roofs.

  • Economical in the Short Term – Shingle roofs are inexpensive, and homeowners can resort to using such roofing material since the upfront cost is lower than that of metal roofs. Not everyone can afford metal roofs, making shingles as a cost-effective short-term solution to protect your home.
  • Easier to Install & Replace – Besides being cheaper, shingle roofs are also easier to install and replace, especially since most shingles come prepackaged and ready to be installed. A lot of things occur when installing metal roofs, including attaching metal panels to the decking using screws, connecting the panels together, and installing the flashing, which takes more time, labor, and skill overall. Shingle roof also allows for foot traffic, which makes it easier for people to install and repair them when needed, which isn’t the case for metal roofs. There are also a lot more shingle roof contractors compared to metal roof contractors.
  • Less Expensive Repairs – Because shingle roofs are cheaper as a whole compared to metal roofs, it stands to reason that their repair costs are also lower. Most shingles can be replaced one at a time, which isn’t the case with the interconnected full-length metal panels that make up metal roofs. Should both types of roofing receive substantial damages, people using shingle roofs would have an easier time repairing their roofs compared to those who use metal roofs.
  • More Warranty Coverage – Shingle roofs are already cheap, making them perfect for people who lack the funds for more expensive roofs, but there’s another benefit with using such roofing. Shingle roofs come with a lot of warranty offers from both the contractor and manufacturer, including manufacturer error, material defect, algae growth, maximum wind-resistance limit, and contractor error.


Generally speaking, the type of roof you’d get would largely depend on the money you have on-hand and your willingness to invest in the long-run. If you can’t afford a metal roof right now, then you should get a shingle roof, but if you have the necessary funds, then you can go right ahead and get the metal roof. If you want to sell your home in the future, then investing in metal roofs would increase the property’s resale value thanks to the durability afforded by your metal roof.

You should also consider your roof’s design, your building’s lifecycle, the environment you’re in, and the availability of contractors to have a more comfortable experience with your roof.