Retail stores put a lot of thought into their location. The goal for any store is to get as many people in the front door as possible, but some retailers seem to be more successful at this even when faced with a less than ideal location. In other scenarios, stores with great locations don’t seem to get enough people through the door. While it may seem this is due to the quality of the products or the customer service at a store, it could come down to marketing. Stores with pop up display banners or regular promotions that can only be redeemed in stores will get a lot more attention than those with simple setups.
Optimize Web Presence
While the internet may not seem like the best approach to getting more in-person visitors, it’s important to make sure your store can be found. When potential customers look up your products, does your company come up? Did you claim your business address on Google? Customers are more likely to find you if you are easy to find.
For those that live in the area, visual aspects of the storefront are important but for potential customers passing through the area, many sales could be made simply by existing online. Even a simple, no-frills website with your services, a couple of social media accounts, and a claimed business address can help increase sales.
Window Displays
If you sell a product, there are times of the year where different products sell more or less. If you sell clothing, school-aged kids will be buying a lot leading up to September. If you sell chocolates, February is a big month for romantic themed candy while Easter is much more geared toward candy for kids. Figure out what your target market is looking for at different times of the year and create window displays for those items.
Someone looking to pick something up last minute as a birthday present or for an occasion is more likely to choose your store if the window display indicates they’ll find what they’re looking for. Further, those walking past the store will wind up looking in, even if the display doesn’t relate to something they need. Simply being visually engaging can help bring people through the front door.
Pop Up Displays
The curb in front of a store can help even more than the windows when it comes to grabbing the attention of passersby. Whether they are walking or driving past, it’s difficult to not pay attention to Pop Up Display Banners. If there is a huge sale or a big event, monopolize on that event with retractable banner stands. They are sure to grab attention and they can display a ton of information to interest potential customers through custom printing. They can also be designed with multiple uses in mind. There are roll up banner solutions and carrying cases to help display your brand and message easily.
In-Store Promotions
Giving people a reason to come into the store is a great way to get them in the door. Business days can be difficult with many working a typical 9 – 5 job, but if you offer a bonus gift or extra discount for walking in, they might use their lunch break or come by after work. However, offering the same deals both on and offline makes it much less enticing to make the trip.
Look Busy
Without putting too much stress on staff, suggest they look busy during the day. If staff is stocking and walking around, it will give the appearance of a busier store. Customers will psychologically contribute this productivity with a successful, worthwhile store. By giving the appearance of the traffic and volume you’re looking for, you’re much more likely to get it.
If you’re having a sale soon or have an opening, TradeShowPlus has options in outdoor displays to get the attention you need. Visit their website today to find out which full-colour designs can best boost your brand’s sales.