Why I Hate Online Classes? We Know Why You Hate Online Learning

I Hate Online Classes

The pass percentage of students from Classes X and XII board examinations is more than the last year. Students got a good name, as they did well despite the pandemic. But what about the classes of 2021 as the students are studying through online mode almost one year ago.  

I Hate Online Classes

After interacting with students in the past online classes, I noticed most students are happy with the results but longing to attend offline classes. Some students even shared openly that I hate online classes to me. Here are the reasons for the students hating online classes.


Before the pandemic, a smartphone is not compulsory for students. But after this pandemic, it has become compulsory for students to have smartphones for listening to online classes. 

But we need to think one fact; all the students are not having the same financial background. They are different in terms of places, religions, castes, economic levels, and communities. In such a situation, each student will have a different story.

One of my students, Reshma (name changed) got her phone after eight months of starting an online class. Her parents are jobless during the pandemic and they are just daily wage earners. But still, the girl did her exams better and scored good marks. She was happy with her results but still, she felt that she could even do better.

One more student, Amit (name changed) is from Punjab and he is doing MBA in Delhi. He had a smartphone with him, but there is a problem with the power supply in his village. Thus, he could not connect to the internet for listening online classes and missed many classes. He even missed many discussions with faculty members. In his college, only staffs need to set final question papers, so it is important to listen to their discussions. The same is the problem in all NITs, IITs, and IIMs, etc in the country.


For many decades, there is a debate going on about the education system. Now, due to the pandemic situation, the entire education system is working through online mode. But before the pandemic, students used to go to schools for classes and exams. After the pandemic, the sudden practice of online classes in India made it difficult for schools to organize online classes properly.

It is like both teachers and students are just learning to swim in the water soon after jumping. But the online classes have a lot of advantages that one has to understand like saving time, comfortability, etc. Students have less time to grasp the things from classes. It is challenging for them and thus, communication becomes difficult.  In rare conditions, online classes will match offline classes but not at all aspects.


In the case of offline classes, teachers can have control over all students. They will understand whether the students got their points or not. But in the case of online classes, video access is limited. Teachers can’t see all students at all times. It is limited to a few students. In offline classes, there will be a good collaboration and the students can easily solve their queries too. 

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Online classes are helpful during this pandemic situation. But students often miss their offline classes. For the students’ safety during this pandemic, this online class helps them the most. But students are now longing to go for offline classes, as they even miss their friends. 


Thus, online classes are not only about teaching students for getting good outcomes. But they are about equity, inclusion, and empathy as well.

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