How To Choose Cosmetic Packaging: Beauty From The Outside To The Inside

cosmetic packaging

Cosmetic packaging reflects the identity of the brand and the idiosyncrasy of the product, but its functions go beyond mere aesthetics. Cosmetic packaging must preserve the properties of the product, facilitate its use and optimize logistics costs. Today, there are some Vietnam plastic manufacturers that provide quality materials for cosmetic packaging.

In addition, at present, it is impossible to design quality packaging without thinking about its second life after consuming the product with the aim of finding more sustainable formulas.

Types of cosmetic packaging

When we talk about cosmetic packaging, it is convenient to differentiate between the different types of packaging that make it up:

– Primary packaging or container: these are the containers that are in direct contact with the product. Primary cosmetic packaging is usually made up of cans, jars, tubes, aerosols, cases and boxes, Viet Nam Injection Plastics, among others.

– Secondary packaging: contains the primary packaging. In the case of cosmetic products, most of the time they are cardboard boxes, cases or bags.

– Tertiary packaging: we go up one level and this packaging is used in logistics to group products and transport them. These are mostly cardboard boxes.

What to take into account when choosing a cosmetic packaging?

The two trends that will shape packaging design in the next decade are innovation in the conception of recyclable materials and the opportunities generated by responsible packaging to limit the generation of waste. With this in mind, what are the main factors that determine the choice of cosmetic packaging?

  1. The size and nature of the product

Here we could also add the form of application of the product, since the packaging must be ergonomic. Depending on the type of substance it contains, it will be necessary to look for materials that protect the cosmetic from certain environmental conditions that could deteriorate it and also from the blows that may occur during transport.

For this reason, many creams or perfumes have primary plastic or glass containers and secondary packaging in the form of cardboard cases that preserves the integrity of the product. However, the formula is not governed by “the more robust the better”, since weight is a highly important variable in logistics. Hence, with the materials used for cosmetic packaging, a balance is sought between the conservation factor, resistance and weight on the one hand and, on the other, with appearance and sustainability.

  1. The sustainability of cosmetic packaging material

When choosing cosmetic packaging, the principle of sustainability is the key, as it is one of the most wielded demands by consumers and directly influences the purchase decision. Therefore, the selection of materials should aim at reducing the carbon footprint of packaging by opting for those that are easily recyclable, biodegradable, renewable or reusable.

  1. The ability to convey key cosmetic information

Accessible and safe labeling sells, especially in products whose composition is complex, such as cosmetics. According to a Nielsen study, items with simple and transparent labeling that do not include unwanted ingredients achieve 4.3% more sales. Another issue that complements the choice of cosmetic packaging is to favor the accessibility of information with solutions such as braille labeling, the inclusion of codes or with the control of the contrast between colors or the size of the typeface.

At the same time, cosmetic packaging also has a relevant sensory component, as it is part of the values ​​attributed to the product and the brand. Whether it is to be displayed on the shelves of a physical store or if it is sent through an online store, the coherence between the formula chosen for the packaging and the brand message must be total.