Broken Appliances: Troubleshooting the Most Common Problems

Broken Appliances

Appliances are great until they stop working. Learn how to deal with broken appliances with this guide to the most common issues.

Broken appliances can put a huge damper on your day, as well as your wallet. 

Luckily, there are things you can do to troubleshoot your seemingly broken appliances so you don’t have to replace them or call in a professional to come and fix them. And, you don’t need to be a handyman to troubleshoot your broken appliances. All you need is the right know-how. 

Read on to learn the top tips for troubleshooting the most common problems with broken appliances.

  1. Problem: The Air Conditioner is Making Noises 

One of the most common problems homeowners face is a noisy air conditioner. A noisy air conditioner is more than just a nuisance, it could be a signal that something is seriously wrong with your system. 

There are a variety of reasons your air conditioner may be making weird sounds, including:

  • There’s a refrigerant leak
  • There’s a problem with the motor or blower assembly (this is especially the case if you’re hearing banging, rattling, or thumping)
  • There’s an issue with the fan motor or compressor if you hear a screeching sound
  • There are faulty electrical components

The first thing you should do is check your AC unit to make sure there isn’t anything blocking it that’s causing the noise. If this isn’t the problem, then you may need to get ahold of an HVAC technician for AC repair

  1. Problem: Water is Leaking on the Floor from Your Fridge 

Not only is this problem dangerous to those walking around your kitchen, but it can also be a bit tricky to solve. 

Oftentimes, leaking water is caused by a block in the defrost drain. This block is typically caused by a buildup of food particles or debris. To see if this is the problem, drain the hole (typically located on the back wall of your freezer) with warm water. Then, to remove the clog, you can use a long slender instrument like a turkey baster or pipe cleaner. 

A frozen or clogged water supply can also cause leakage on your floor. To fix this, you need to unplug the refrigerator and find the shut-off valve. Typically, this is located behind the fridge or underneath the sink. 

Once you’ve found it, make sure the shut-off valve is closed and that there aren’t any problems in the plastic supply line. 

  1. Problem: Dishes in the Dishwasher are Coming Out Dirty 

Many homeowners also experience issues with their dishwashers

Oftentimes, if your dishes are coming out dirty, it’s an easy fix. First, you want to make sure that you’re assembling your dishes the right way and aren’t overloading the machine. You also want to make sure that there aren’t any utensils blocking the spin motion. 

After you’ve checked all of this, it’s time to check the machine itself. Check for debris, grease, and blockages in the door gasket or strain screen. The culprit may also be your spray arm, so try to spin the top and bottom arms with your hand to make sure it spins easily. 

If they don’t and are covered in dirt or gunk, you need to clean them. To do so, remove the spin arms and gently clean them with a pipe cleaner or toothbrush. Once replaced, run the dishwasher on empty to give it a good clean before reloading your dishes. 

Broken Appliances: Time for a Fix 

Now that you’ve read this guide, you’ll be better equipped to fix your broken appliances. This way, you won’t need to call a technician every time there’s an issue. 

Be sure to check back in with our blog for more home improvement tips and tricks.