Android 7 LG Nougat Update On LG G4

Android 7 LG

Whenever there’s an update to install, we do that in a heartbeat, right? However, what happens when there’s a delay to the update? Well, if we talk about the Android 7 LG Nougat update for the LG G4 device, then that’s something we can stop talking about. Why? It’s because after a long wait LG has finally rolled out the Android 7.0 LG Nougat update for the G4 series.

It’s worth noting that this is not android 7.1 but android 7.0. So, those of you, who were waiting for the android 7.1, you have to wait a bit more. That being said, the android 7 LG Nougat update is still a great update for sure.

Moreover, this update is an OTA one or the air one. As we said earlier, this update is based on Android 7.0 and not on 7.1 nougats. Now, this is also worth mentioning that there are a lot of new cool features that we will see with this update.

Those of you, who have the device LG g4 with you will enjoy a lot of new stuff. If you want to know about them, then you are at the right place. Here we will provide you with everything that you need to know about the Android 7 LG Nougat update. In fact, we will also share the details as to how you can install them.

So, if you want to get all the info about the 7.0 update and the new stuff that is coming with this update, you are at the right place. Go through this article to find all the worthwhile info about this latest update and also about the new additions as well.

Here Are The New Improvements & Features That Have Come With The Latest Android 7.0 Nougat LG Update

The users of LG G4 have finally found their time to rejoice because of the latest update. So, this android 7 LG update has come with a lot of new additions. These additions will most certainly improve the user experience and also bring new features to the table. So, what are they? Well, let’s take a look at them now.

  • First of all, the update will come with a new multi-window mode.
  • Secondly, there’s also an improved notifications feature.
  • Vulkan API
  • Seamless Update
  • New UI Settings
  • Performance improvements in general.

Furthermore, it’s also worth noting that this is an incremental update. In other words, this update is rolling out in a phased manner so you have to wait. So, it may take a few days or even weeks for you to receive this update. On this note, we should mention that the best way to get this update fast is to remain on the Stock Marshmallow firmware.

How To Check The Update?

So, if you don’t know how you can check the latest update Android 7 LG, then don’t worry. You can manually check for the updates easily from Settings itself. So, all you have to do is to go to the Settings option. Thereafter, go to About Phone and then to System Updates.

However, if you cannot wait for the over-the-air release for the update, then you can also manually install the Android 7 LG update on your G4 device. In order to download and install Android nougat 7.0 on your LG G4 device, you should follow a few steps. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the proper steps that you need to follow in order to download and install the updates.

What Do You Need Before The Process Of Installation?

So, there are a few things that you need to consider before the whole installation process. For example, you have to back up the device data. Very rarely but for sure, the updates may erase data on your device. So, in order to prevent that from happening, you should back up the data.

Next, you should also maintain at least 50 to 60 percent charging to prevent accidental shutdown. This is also a pretty important consideration that you need to follow. So, now that you have the pre-requisites, it’s time to head down to the steps.

Here Are The Steps To Install Android 7 On LG

So, these are a few steps that need to be followed to download android 7 on LG G4.

  • Download the LGUP Tool and also LG G4 Stock Nougat ROM and extract it. Install the LGUP tool both on your device as well as PC.
  • Next, run the tool and then copy the folder common to C:\progam files\LG\electronics\LGUP\model.
  • Thereafter, it’s time to switch off the device and boot the device into download mode.
  • Next, you can open the LGUP tool and click on the upgrade choose the file’s path, and also locate the KDZ nougat file.
  • Select the KDZ nougat file and then click on start to initiate the whole installation procedure. Once it’s finished, you are done with the whole process.


So, these were some of the basic stuff that you need to know about Android 7 LG nougat update installation on a G4 device. If you follow the instructions carefully, you will surely have no problem whatsoever.

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