7 Things You Need to Have Squared Away Before You Move

7 Things You Need to Have Squared Away Before You Move

More than half of Americans say that moving is more stressful than planning a wedding. A lot of these people get so stressed out while making a move that they’re not even able to enjoy the process of settling into a new home.

If you fall into this category, you should figure out the different things to do before you move so that you’re able to eliminate some, if not all, of the stress from the equation. By doing the right moving preparation, you should be able to put yourself into a position to enjoy moving more than you would otherwise.

Want to learn all about what to do before you move? Here are seven things that the experts would recommend to those preparing to move from one place to another in the near future.

Begin by Finding a Place to Move to

Before you can make a move, you’re obviously going to need to find a place to move to. You should look for a home in a great location that offers everything you and your family are looking for from a new home.

Once you find it, you should put in a strong offer on it and make sure that you’re going to be able to qualify for a mortgage for it. You should also go through the process of putting your current home up on the market so that you don’t find yourself in a spot where you’re paying two mortgages at one time.

This is usually the part of the process that causes the most stress for people. Remind yourself early and often to take deep breaths and to do whatever it takes to find a new house while selling your current one.

Pack Up All Your Belongings

Once you find a new home that you love and agree to buy it, you can then begin to pack up all your belongings so that they’re ready to go on moving day. You should try to do this at least a few weeks in advance, if not sooner.

Purchase moving boxes, packing tape, and other moving supplies so that you’re able to securely pack all your things and keep them safe throughout the duration of your move. Buying high-quality supplies will be well worth the extra investment on your part.

Hire a Moving Company

You could go through the trouble of trying to move all your things on your own if you want. But why would you want to when you can hire a moving company like Grunts Move Junk to take care of it for you?

You’ll be amazed by how much less stressful your next move will be when you have a reliable moving company on your side. They’ll handle almost every aspect of your move and make it way easier on you than you could have imagined.

Change Your Address

After you move out of your current home, you want to make sure that you don’t continue to receive mail at it. Your personal information could fall into the wrong hands if you still have mail going to your old home after you move out of it.

Fortunately, you can change your address with very little effort on your part and have all your mail sent to your new home moving forward. It should only take you a few minutes to have all your mail forwarded to your new address.

Turn the Utilities On in Your New Home

When you move into your new home, you want to be able to turn on the lights in it, run the water in it, and use the other utilities in it. To make sure this is going to be possible, you’ll want to put the utilities in your name and arrange for them to get turned on right when you move.

This is something that you’re going to want to schedule in advance so that you’re not scrambling at the last minute to do it. You won’t be able to complete certain parts of your move if you don’t have your utilities turned on.

Sign Your Kids Up for Their New School

If you have kids, there is a good chance that they’re going to have to start attending a new school once you move. You’ll want to look into which schools they’ll be able to attend and enroll them in these schools as soon as possible.

You’ll also want to talk to your kids about the adjustments that you’re all going to have to make once they start going to a new school. It’s often a big transition for everyone.

Let Your Friends and Family Know You’re Moving

The last thing that you want is for your friends and family to stop by your old house once you’ve moved out of it looking for you. It’s going to be really embarrassing if they show up at the house to say hi and get greeted by someone else at the front door!

With this in mind, you should send out a postcard in the mail or an email alerting your friends and family to your move. It’s one of the final things to do before you move. It’ll let those around you know that you’re moving and give them an opportunity to update their address books with the address of your new house.

As You Can See, There Are So Many Things to Do Before You Move!

It’s not hard to see why so many people get stressed out while moving. There are just so many things to do before you move.

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You should work on all of the things that we’ve talked about here in the weeks prior to your move. The more you’re able to get done prior to moving day, the more successful that your move will be in the end. It’ll make moving a lot less stressful and give you an opportunity to enjoy the moving process.

Check out other moving tips and tricks by browsing through the articles found on our blog.