3 Important Factors to Consider When Setting-Up a Business Phone Number

Business Phone Number

Getting a business phone number is a big step in the history of your business! Setting up a small business has so many crucial steps, but getting a business phone number is definitely one of the big milestones to separate your business from your personal life, all while appearing professional and put together. 

We have some quick tips to get you started on setting up your new number, so get your notepads out, people! 

Can You Access All The Features Easily? 

Your first decision for setting up your phone number is, where will it live? Are you simply purchasing a dedicated smartphone (pretty expensive) or setting up a landline (limiting)? 

Typical landline phone service often comes with a lot of hassle. In addition to lengthy setup procedures, you often need the internet and more complicated wiring to make it function. 

Instead, consider an app for your phone. This makes it super easy to change the hours of your business phone number, so you aren’t bothered late at night. This way, you can avoid the annoying and clunky call forwarding process from the office when you’re out at meetings.

Apps often have features that landlines don’t, like text messaging capabilities, an auto-attendant, and more. Since it’s almost 2021 and we can all agree that technology is only moving further and further away from land lines, an app is a great, flexible choice. 

So, What’s Your Number? 

Are you looking to have a traditional phone number or a toll-free 1-800 number? The Federal Communications Commission is actively battling illegal spam calls, so you definitely don’t want your business to be mistaken for spam. In that case, having a real phone number might be better for calling out to new leads. 

No matter which you choose, be sure you have your number listed in multiple places online, on all marketing materials, and on your business cards. This makes business phone number lookup easy for potential customers. 

Pricing and Technology 

If you’re getting a landline, you’ll need some equipment and actual phones to keep in your office. Check out this list for some options, but know that there are some additional maintenance costs involved like battery replacement, wiring, and internet needs.  

If you use your personal cell phone with an app, you have total control over your business phone number, and it doesn’t involve you needing to physically be anywhere. Especially if you’re still setting up a business and using a coworking space, an app is the best way to have a professional, inexpensive, phone option. 

Setting Up Your Business Phone Number 

Now that you have an idea of what you want, it’s time to set up your business phone number! In your business set up, this is a great time to start marketing your professional services more and more. 

If your phone service has texting capabilities, you can even use them to gain new customers and speak directly with potential leads from anywhere.

Check out the rest of our blog for more small business tips and tricks for success! 

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