7 Jobs You Can Get with an Aerospace Engineering Degree

Aerospace Engineering Degree
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The engineering that deals with designing, developing, testing, and producing airplanes, spacecraft, and associated systems and equipment are widely known as aerospace engineering.

It is the science behind the invention of modern technologies incorporated into the systems of aircraft and vehicles used for defense, exploration, communications, and transportation.

The development and production of satellites, missiles, spacecraft, and aircraft have given rise to this field in many nations. 

Why Study Aerospace Engineering

The aerospace sector is booming as this engineering discipline has encompassed military operations, space travel, and commercial aviation. More students are going for this field for its uniqueness and prospective excellence in recent years.

You can consider pursuing a degree in aerospace engineering if one of your professional goals is to develop ground-breaking aviation technologies that can influence the 21st century and beyond. A bachelor’s degree may cover essential concepts, including propulsion, structural analysis, fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, and aeronautical design, to equip you with an understanding of electrical, computer, and mechanical engineering skills.

You can go for an on-campus or an online bachelor’s degree to gain the necessary information and skills to meet the criteria for careers in this field. Most students also opt for internships to enhance their hard and soft skills while they enroll in an Aerospace Engineering Online Degree, which adds value to their ongoing study.

Careers in Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering provides excellent career options in various industries, including aerospace, defense, automobile, power, and electronics, whether you prefer finding inventive solutions to technical problems or being imaginative and creative.

Here are some jobs you can get in the field of aerospace engineering:

  • Military Aerodynamic Engineer

Engineers in military aerospace – design, build and plan the use of military aircraft and other aeronautical technology. An applicant can train to be an aviation technical expert in the military, manage aircraft designing projects, and create policies and programs for aircraft and their parts. 

They act as aviation technical professionals and oversee aircraft design programs from conception to assessing experimental machinery in air defense research initiatives. 

They function as liaisons for engineering and technical supervision between the military services, contracting organizations, and other governmental agencies. They develop policies, plan procurement programs for aircraft and aircraft components, and coordinate procurement programs for such items.

To pursue a career as a Military Aerospace Engineer, a candidate should hold a graduate and an undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering, 

  • Compliance Officer

An Aircraft Compliance Officer is a job that a candidate with a solid understanding of legal concepts and aviation principles can pursue.

They supervise the work of designers, engineers, builders, and spacecraft operators to ensure the fulfillment of safety criteria. These specialists uphold laws and guarantee the efficient operation of aeronautical and spacecraft technology.

Compliance officers ensure that all materials—documents, tools, contracts, plans, etc.—agree with all applicable rules and laws. 

These professionals require substantial training to perform in their roles since working on or with spacecraft necessitates an extensive understanding of specific tools and technologies.

The ideal candidate for this job should hold a master’s degree in aerospace engineering or aircraft maintenance engineering.

  • Aircraft Designer

Aircraft, weapons, and spacecraft are designed, built, and tested using engineering concepts by aircraft designers. They design the mechanical systems, main structures, and interiors of airplanes. 

To satisfy customer requirements, establish quality standards, adhere to budgets and project dates, and meet FAA rules, design engineers develop intricate designs of aircraft interiors, principal or secondary structures, or mechanical systems.

You might specialize in cabin fittings, waste management systems, or installing and designing electrical and oxygen systems. You may also gain expertise in structural design, focusing on the main body of passenger, military, or cargo aircraft. 

To pursue a career as an aircraft designer, one needs to have finished undergraduate studies in aeronautical engineering, mechanical engineering, graphic design, or a related field.

  • Flight Technicians

Technicians in flight engineering carry out pre-flight, during-flight, and post-flight examinations and visual checks of the flight crew and maintenance on the aircraft. Before takeoff, they ensure that all aircraft systems are operational and not interfering with other electronic devices. To identify problems and learn about the functioning of the electrical components, they examine flight test data.

They work as flight crew on military aircraft as well. They solder components for transmission, missile control, and navigation in a complex and very dependable manner.

They also handle administrative duties of the aircraft, flight and ground training, internal and external cargo transfer, and passenger transportation. An avionics or aviation technology bachelor’s or associate’s degree is typically required for this position.

  • Aeronautical Drafter

An aerospace or aeronautical drafter is a qualified engineer who creates technical plans and drawings with CAD software to make prototypes and refine their designs.

Even though aeronautical drafting is a specialized area of the drafting industry, it requires similar skills to drafting as a whole, including a focus on detail, creativity, good time management, math, and technical knowledge. 

Drafters frequently focus on making drawings for industry because numerous sectors rely on them to produce precise technical schematics and design blueprints.   

Aerospace drafters seeking employment in the design of airplanes and spacecraft may find it advantageous to get a degree in aeronautical engineering.

This can be a great career choice for people who prefer using technical software, dealing with engineers, and producing intricate technical drawings.

  • Aerospace Technicians

A crucial component of an aircraft engineering team is an aerospace technician. They operate and maintain the machinery and evaluate and manufacture spacecraft in labs, factories, and engineering offices. Typically, engineers and aeronautical technicians collaborate while testing prototypes. They do tests that allow engineers to assess how implementable their design prototypes are. 

Besides testing those designs, they install new hardware and software, make repairs, and ensure product quality. 

They use their in-depth technical expertise to evaluate prototypes, maintain testing apparatus, debug design issues, and assist engineers in devising useful aeronautical equipment.

The construction and upkeep of air and spacecraft and their electrical and electronic equipment are also the responsibilities of aerospace professionals in both the government and private sectors. 

  • Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical engineers work to improve and operate many components of spacecraft, missiles, and aircraft. 

They design and study giant jet engines, microscopic sensors, and other possible advancements to create new and better aircraft technologies for individualized requirements. Designing mechanical equipment for use in diverse industries is another specialty of mechanical engineers. 

Although mechanical engineers and aeronautical engineers frequently work in different fields, there are instances where these two engineering specialties can intersect. Mechanical engineers, in particular, may create the tools that aerospace engineers utilize to construct spacecraft.

You can acquire the abilities necessary to become a mechanical engineer by earning a degree in mechanical engineering or aerospace engineering.


An aerospace engineering degree equips you with diverse skills and extensive knowledge. It opens you up to vast career opportunities and a positive job outlook. We hope the aforementioned jobs will inspire you to get a degree in aerospace engineering and excel in this field.

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