4 Ways Whatsapp Business API Can Add Efficiency to the Covid-19 Vaccine Drive

Whatsapp Business API

When we talk about the most popular messaging platform, WhatsApp is the first app that comes to mind. Billions of people use it every day to text, share images/videos and connect with their friends and family. What makes WhatsApp so good and popular? The biggest reason is that it’s completely “free,” and sharing and texting aren’t the only options it offers. It also lets you call/video call your acquaintances as well as share your location. With so much to offer without charging a single penny is what makes this app so good.

WhatsApp has now stepped into the business ecosystem by revealing their WhatsApp Business API, offering so much within the app itself. This enables businesses to interact with their customers in a more personal and convenient way. 

As with the ongoing pandemic situation, the world is still mostly at home, and people are using WhatsApp API for their work-related tasks too. This can be a game-changer in terms of business and government operations, too. With vaccines now available, WhatsApp API can be used in the COVID-19 vaccination drive.

Let’s discuss in detail how this can be implemented.

  • Ease of Use           

With the API being implemented in almost every business and government portal, it can give details about the nearest center, availability, and vaccines. Users can just send a few inputs in the chat and get the relevant information. Thus minimizing the use of external browsers and load times. They can also use this to get their certificates with just a couple of inputs in the chatbox. The automated response can send links and other information in the chatbox, which will be more convenient and valuable as WhatsApp is used by millions daily, counting the fact that it is effortless to use.

  • Updates 

WhatsApp can also be used to send timely updates and information. Once a user signs up, they can receive essential details directly on their WhatsApp application without the need to constantly check and open pages on the browser and any other app. This will not only reduce the inputs by a user but also improve the general experience. Updates will be directly sent in the chatbox, which makes it very easy to track and very efficient for the users.

  • Support

In case of support, a user might call on a support number, which can be hard to implement in these challenging times as it needs to be quick and will require many people to be assigned to the task to execute. With chat support, a user can directly chat with an agent, and in return, the agent can also multitask by engaging with multiple users. This will not only reduce the pressure on the support centers but will also be helpful for a user as the majority of people will be confident to text instead of call.

  • Experience 

If we compare other portals to the WhatsApp API, the most crucial aspect will be its experience to the user. Firstly users will be greeted by automated messages and will only need a few inputs to get results. Secondly, users can continue the chat in case they close the chat or need to attach information. The majority of the information that is required can be automated, which also makes it very robust. This reduces the effort a user has to make and makes the experience of using it simple, fast, and easy. Getting information, booking, and support for vaccines will be more convenient and efficient for everyone.

All the above factors make the WhatsApp API a win-win for both the user and the organization. If this feature is implemented to its full potential, then this will not only be a smooth and hassle-free experience but will also be fast and effortless.

APIs have seen a rise in use by organizations and businesses alike. It all adds up to how they are using it and making life easier for the parties involved. We also should take into consideration the encryption used by WhatsApp. This is an excellent opportunity for the organizations responsible for the vaccine drive to make it more convenient and efficient.