7 Bedroom Renovation Tips That You Haven’t Thought Of

Bedroom Renovation Tips

Are you trying to avoid stress during your bedroom renovation? These kinds of projects can leave you and your family feeling unorganized and frazzled in no time at all.

That’s why we’ve collected the best bedroom renovation tips that’ll guide you through the rough times. With these tips, you’ll streamline the process so that you never feel overwhelmed during your renovation project.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to keep things running smoothly every step of the way!

Prepare a Plan

Regardless if you’re about to start the renovation or you’re in the middle of it, you need to make a plan to stay organized. This plan covers both the design of the bedroom as well as other important factors.

How are you getting the necessary materials into the house? Are you going to enlist the help of contractors? If so, what times work best for both you and them so that there’s no schedule conflict?

Keeping all of this written down somewhere for the whole family to see keeps everyone on track. It’s also a good idea to run through various questions that contractors might ask of you, such as color choices and the like.

A plan is one of the top renovation tips to keep in mind!

Create a Clean Sanctuary

When your bedroom feels as though it’s a chaotic mess, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated with the renovation. This is even more common when you’re renovating a smaller home or if you’re renovating multiple parts of your home at once.

To help offset this problem, it’s vital to dedicate space towards a sanctuary in which you can retreat when you need a break. Anywhere in the house works as long as it’s large enough for you to take a breather.

Make sure to keep this area clear from any of the renovating tools and materials. This space is for you and your family to relax and enjoy some sense of normalcy before diving back into the renovation project.

Expel Unwanted Items Fast

One of the biggest frustrations for any renovation is when junk piles up and becomes disorganized. It’s easy to get annoyed when you can’t take a single step before bumping into something.

That’s why it’s important to rid the bedroom of any unwanted items as soon as possible. Leaving them lying around will only make the project more difficult in the long run.

Create a pile for trash and unwanted furniture, then look into local dumpster rental so that you’re able to throw out all of the junk right away. Proper renovation cleanup keeps the room tidier and makes completing your project feel less like a headache.

Plus, it’s safer to do the work without unnecessary objects underfoot!

Default to White

A lot of time taken during a renovation is trying to decide on the overall design. Wallpaper or paint? Add texture to the ceiling or keep it smooth?

Colors are another timesink. The perfect color scheme is tricky to find and if you’re on a tight schedule, you’ll need answers fast.

When in doubt, go with white as your color choice. It’s bright, clean, and classic. It matches with any style of furniture and it makes the lighting in the room more vivid.

It’s also easier to adjust once you have all of the big construction and reorganizing finished. Don’t waste too much time feeling uncertain as to which colors to pick. Go with white for now and give yourself time to see the bigger picture before choosing more unique colors.

Take Plenty of Pictures

Throughout the entire project, don’t forget to take pictures. It’s a fun activity to look back through the different stages and see where you started and where you finished. It gives you a bigger sense of accomplishment and it’s perfect for scrapbooking.

Pictures are also useful tools in case something goes wrong during the project.

Take pictures of the wiring, plumbing, and other important features. If you start having trouble with something, give those pictures to a professional so they have an easy guide to put things back in the right place.

Add Wiggle Room in Your Budget

No renovation is complete without a few challenges along the way. Sometimes a tool breaks down or you run out of material for the new wall.

Setting aside extra money at the start of the project stops these kinds of problems from stalling the entire process. You always want to have more money available than you think you’ll need so that you’re ready for anything.

If you don’t end up using all of the money you’ve set aside, add it to your next renovation project or use it for a celebratory dinner!

Remember to Include Downtime

Bedroom renovations take a lot of time and energy to complete. It messes with your normal routine and keeps you busy even when you’ve had a hard day at work. Renovating a bedroom is extra difficult because bedrooms are such personal spaces that it’s stressful to have that space disrupted.

It’s vital to your mental health that you include downtime into your renovation planning. Working a lot without any kind of break will only make the renovation feel more stressful. You might even grow to hate the project before it’s done.

Take a weekend off to do something fun with the family. Go for a nice dinner or see that movie that came out last week. The renovation will be there tomorrow, and you’ll feel ready to tackle it again after a much-deserved rest!

Turn Your Bedroom Renovation Into an Exciting Project

A bedroom renovation is a thrilling time for the family. You’re turning that old bedroom into something new and interesting. You’re putting a unique spin on a place that once was mundane and normal.

By following these tips for renovating, you’ll have no trouble managing any stress that comes your way. Instead, you’ll have everything you need to keep going despite any challenges that come your way!

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