5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Phone System for Small Businesses

best phone system

Communication is one of the essential parts of running a small business. If you aren’t able to communicate with clients or employees, can you really run a business successfully? Phones are at the epicenter of communication for businesses, but they have changed as technology has changed over the last decade. 

Most likely, your client’s first contact with your business is through a phone. Depending on your type of business, you will need a business phone systems that can efficiently suit all your needs in all departments of your business. Read on to uncover 5 things to consider when choosing the best phone system for small businesses.

1. Budget 

You should first discover what your budget is for your phone system. Consider how many phones you need while starting out, and how many you plan to need for the future. If you want access to an affordable and easy way to set up phone numbers for local calls, companies like EasyRinger can help you establish a recognizable phone number. This way, your contacts can call a local number to reach you, and this number connects directly to your personal phone. You pay a low per-minute rate and the caller just pays their phone operator the usual fee for a local call (which is usually free).

There are always extra costs to consider besides the phone system itself, such as installation and services charges. It is also an option to lease the phone systems, paying monthly fees instead of buying them all at once, which many small business owners take advantage of.

2. Expandability

It is very important to think about where your company will be in the next five years when considering a new phone system. Of course, you don’t want to get something so extreme that you won’t use it, but you should find a system that can expand with you and your business. 

Finding a mid-level phone system that can grow with you is one of the best options. If you see your business growing rapidly, consider a business phone system features with the option to add lines, conference calls, and extensions. 

3. Usage and Adoption

If you already have a phone system or are just starting out, you don’t want one that is very difficult to use. Though fancier phone systems are appealing, if they are too complex for every employee at your company to easily adopt, they might not be worth it. 

You don’t want your employees wasting time trying to figure out the phone system when they need to make a simple call. Simple may be better, as long as it also has all the functions you desire. 

4. Functionality 

So, what functions does your business really need? If your business relies on making many phone calls throughout the day to connect with different clients, you’ll want your clients to easily be able to connect with you too. 

Perhaps you’ll want your clients to be forwarded to a directory when they call, or to another phone system when you’re out of the office. You might want call waiting, caller ID, multiple lines, voicemail, or hands-free options. If you have a secretary for your business, they’ll need a more complex system than other employees. 

5. Customer Service Support

Finding a phone system that has a good customer service support department is important. If you have an important client that needs to get in contact with you but your phone lines are down, you’ll need fast and easy solutions, and to be able to talk with a real live person instead of a robot. Take this factor seriously when choosing your new phone system.

Best Phone System for Small Businesses 

When you begin your research for the best phone system for small businesses, it is smart to make a list of everything that you are not willing to compromise with. If you know you want a VOIP phone system with multiple lines and a hands-free option, you can cancel out many other systems and focus on exactly what you need.

No matter what, make sure you are getting the best one for your small business! Check out more of our articles for all your lifestyle needs. 

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