5 Secrets Behind The Fastest Way To Sell A House

sell your home

Are you looking to sell your home?  Want to sell your house quickly? Most homes stay on the market for an average of 65 to 93 days from the time they are listed until they close.

Do you want to sell quicker than the average? Want to find the fastest way to sell a house? Check out these 5 secrets to sell your home fast.

Declutter and Clean

First and foremost, you need to make your home as appealing as possible. This starts with decluttering and leaning.

You will have to go through everything to move anyway, so start moving things out of the way. If needed, get a storage unit to put away large furnishings and extra items.

Takedown any personal belongings like family photos, religious items, and other keepsakes. These items can be distracting to buyers.

Organize your closets. Buyers want to make sure they get enough storage space for their stuff so they will be checking out all your storage areas, closets, and pantries. Leave some open space to help them appear bigger.

Deep clean every room in your house including kitchen cabinets, baseboards, carpets, and tile. If you don’t have time to clean, you should hire a professional.

2. Give the Right Light

Make sure your buyers can see your home with the right lighting. If you light properly, it can change your home’s ambiance and make it more attractive. 

Try different lampshades and add some different color bulbs. Clean your windows and take down drapes to let more natural light in. You want your house to be as bright as possible.

3. Set the Right Price

This is one of the biggest factors on how to sell your house fast. Make sure you do your research whether you are selling yourself, with an agent, or choosing to sell your house fast for cash. 

You should look for comparable homes in your area, and price slightly lower than these homes. This will drum up some interest.

You also need to consider any updates needed. If your home needs more updates than the comparable homes, be sure to price accordingly.

You also should consider price points when buyers search. For example, instead of listing your house for $200,000; list it for $199,000 because it will appear in more search results.

4. Pick the Right Time to Sell

If you can control timing, you should list your home in the first half of May.  Houses sell quicker than average and for an average of $1,600 higher.

Of course, this peak selling time can vary based on your location. You want to time it right for your local area.

5. Choose the Right Selling Strategy

You have to pick the strategy that is right for you, whether it’s hiring an agent, selling on your own, or checking out cash alternatives.

Thinking I need to sell my house fast? You may want to skip the normal buyers and look into selling to a developer, putting up for auction, or selling to an investor. You will get cash for your property and not have to worry about showings.

What’s Fastest Way to Sell Your Home ?

There you have it. Follow these steps for the fastest way to sell a house. Make sure your home is decluttered, clean, priced right, well lit, and sold the right way for you.

Want more real estate advice? Check out our real estate section for more tips to sell your home or get your new home.

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