The 5 Easy-to-Grow Plants to Add to Your Garden

The 5 Easy-to-Grow Plants to Add to Your Garden

If you are a busy person that doesn’t have that much time to tend to a garden, a great-looking garden is still possible. Just choose plants that don’t require a lot of attention and maintenance. Gardening has so many benefits to your overall health. If it’s your first time trying out gardening. Still, after nurturing and harvesting Buy rare plants online , this experience can help build your self-esteem. 

After gardening for the first time, you’re going to realize that you grew as a person last night. Being under the fun and playing with dirt is beneficial in reducing stress and improving heart health. Have you ever wondered what plants are? Look no further! Below are the five plants to spruce up your yard.

The rubber tree earned its name because of its milky white sap. Its sap or latex flows from the tree when the bark is removed; it is used to make rubber. Its leaves also have an appearance that is shiny and rubbery. The rubber tree is easy to care for. You have to be careful with its balance – you have to keep an eye on it. If you’re looking to add a tall plant to your collection, rubber plants are the way to go; take care of them properly. 

In the northern hemisphere, the rubber tree usually blossoms around March. On the other hand, if you are in the southern hemisphere, its flowers blossom from July to September. If grown in the wild, it can grow up to 100 to 130 feet for up to 100 years. 

The hevea brasiliensis is inexpensive to grow. You wouldn’t need any expensive fertilizer or tools to make this plant flourish. It is a beautiful plant to cover the ground with. It doesn’t have allergy properties. It has large leaves, and it can remove pollutants. To know more about this plant, visit to learn more. 

  • Touch-Me-Not (Mimosa pudica)

The mimosa pudica is famous for its rapid movement for a plant. If you have kids in your home, the Touch-me-not plant is entertaining for them because if you touch them, its sensitive leaves immediately close. It undergoes leaf sleep or nyctinasty movement, which is a crucial activity to survive. Its beautiful foliage closes during nighttime and opens when there is sunlight. 

When taking care of the mimosa plant, make sure that its soil drains well inside a medium-sized container. Place it under bright like but only some direct sunlight is allowed. When you water your plant, it must be moist, not soggy. 

When the plant blooms, you can use it to balance a woman’s hormones and to relieve the pain from menstruation. Mix the ground leaves of the mimosa and filter the juice and mix it with honey. Consume it once or twice a day to get rid of the pain. 

  • Adam’s Needle (Yucca filamentosa)

For a first-time gardener, this plant is perfect for you as it is shorter than the other two species. Adam’s needles have multiple stems, and it can reach three feet tall and extends up to six feet when its cream-colored blooms blossom in early summer. It has pliable green leaves with white fibers. 

The roots of Adam’s Needles were used to treat skin diseases, rheumatism, and gonorrhea. It was also used when one couldn’t sleep. Although, before intaking the roots yourself, consult your doctor if they would recommend this or not. Trust that your physician knows better than you do. 

  • Bells of Ireland (Moluccella laevis)

Bells of Ireland, also called shell flowers, blossoms during fall and summer. Moluccella laevis can grow 12 to 18 inches in width. Bells of Ireland have beautiful white flowers and green/blue foliage. You can either place it in full sun or partial shade. It can tolerate poor soil but ensure that it has good drainage. 

Its flowers symbolize fortune and luck. People give the flower to someone who recently graduated or got a new job. It entails that you wish them the best and cheering them on in their latest journey. 

  • Amaranth (Amaranthus)

Amaranth has lance or round-shaped leaves; it is two to six inches long. Its leaves have a variety of dark green, light green, variegated, or somewhat red. Additionally, it has leaves that can be black, yellow, pink, white, or yellow. This plant also has flowers. Like all plants in this list, amaranthus grows quickly. It is drought tolerant and strives during warm climates. 

Its grains are gluten-free and significantly nutritious. You can get plenty of micronutrients, proteins, and fibers. If you are on a diet, the grains of Amaranth can help you as it helps in weight loss. 


Even if you are a beginner, there are so many plants you can add to your yard. With the fix aforementioned above, you can now start building up your garden. Consider mixing up the colors and adding flowers so that you can also see blossoms in your backyard.