The 3 Most Common Coworking Myths, Debunked


Back in 2019, when it seemed like the idea of working remotely was something of a privilege, co-working was looking like the answer to our working prayers.

As the marketplace expanded to include more and more companies and entrepreneurs, the idea that “crowding is good for business” grew. 

Coworking spaces became a popular, inexpensive way to set up shop in a diverse space with different people all going in different directions, but even with this type of environment, there are still some myths that circulate about what these types of spaces offer. 

How Coworking Has Changed

In 2020, when the world reacted to the coronavirus pandemic, working from home and working remotely became commonplace for those that could. Co-working took a back seat because workers were meant to be working in isolation.

Now, nearly two years on from the beginning of the pandemic, companies like LocalWorks are helping to reinvent coworking for a new generation of workers who don’t want or need to be tied to one office location for the entirety of their career.

Co-Working is a great alternative to traditional workplace setups, and if you are considering asking your boss to make you a co-worker instead of an in-office employee, consider debunking these three myths.

Myth 1 – You’ll Have a Disadvantage Over Other Entrepreneurs in Your Field

One of the biggest fears that people have about co-working spaces is the fact that you cannot see your competitors. With this in mind, it seems like co-working could be a disadvantage in your business, especially if you are competing with others in your field.

However, there is a difference between being stuck in an office and not being able to see your competitors: if you can’t see what they are doing, then you can’t do anything about them. 

In reality, being able to work from anywhere means that you can continually learn from what other entrepreneurs are doing and apply it to your own business.

Myth 2 – It’s Difficult To Concentrate In Co-Working Environments

Often, the biggest fear that people have about coworking spaces is the distractions. 

People are worried that they won’t be able to accomplish as much as they would in an office, and they will feel like they were better off sticking to the 9-5. 

However, you might be surprised by how much you can get done when you are working from a co-working space.

Myth 3 – Coworking is Only for Introverts

This is a common misconception about co-working spaces because of how much people worry about the idea of being around other people.

However, there are even introverts out there that have no problem working in an office setting with others, and they have no problem making friends at co-working spaces. 

Realistically, there are shy and quiet people everywhere. Co-working just makes more space for these introverts in the workplace where they can focus on their work without having to be overwhelmed by those around them.

Ignite Your Creative Spark in a Shared Office Setting

We are all different, and it’s important to remember that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to how we personally prefer to work.