10 Incredible Tips for Restoring Heat Damaged Hair

Heat Damaged Hair

Heat damaged hair can make you look frizzy and unkempt on a good day, leaving you embarrassed of your appearance. Because many people use their hair as a means of self-expression, it can be painful to see your hair so unhealthy.

How can you repair and maintain heat damaged hair and get back to having healthy hair?

Restoring heat damaged hair is easier than it seems. Follow these simple steps to get your hair back to beautiful again!

How Does Heat Damage Your Hair?

Your hair relies on moisture in order to keep it healthy. Applying too much heat to your hair can leave it severely dehydrated, which can lead to cracked, split ends and unhealthy hair.

Heat damaged hair is easy enough to spot. Some of the signs that you’re exposing your hair to too much heat include, but are not limited to:

  • Overly dry hair
  • White nodules on your hair
  • Split ends that are easy to break off
  • Difficulty brushing, styling, or managing your hair
  • Hair that gets into knots and tangles easily
  • Hair breakages

If you notice any of these signs in your hair, then it’s time to start thinking about how you can make your hair healthy again.

Restoring Heat Damaged Hair

While hair that has had extended exposure to heat damage can be harder to restore, it isn’t impossible. You can restore your heat damaged hair by following these simple tips.

  1. Identify the Cause of the Heat Damage

Certain styling products can leave your hair a damaged mess. Your hairdryer, curling iron, straightener, or any other heat-based styling products can cause some serious heat damage!

In order to start the restoration process, you’ll need to start using these machines less or at least turning down the heat. If you must use a hairdryer or other styling product, then you should make sure to use heat protecting products in your hair before using them. This won’t fix the problem on its own, but it will help to keep the issue from getting worse. 

  1. Moisturize Your Hair Regularly

In order to restore your hair, you’ll need to give it plenty of access to moisturizing products. There are plenty of options at your disposal, and depending on the thickness of your hair as well as whether it’s curly or straight, you may have to do some experimentation. 

You should focus on products that offer a good amount of vitamins and proteins to help strengthen your hair. You can use the Sugar Bear Hair discount to get great deals on products to restore your hair and keep it soft and healthy!

  1. Use Deep Conditioners

Moisturizing deep conditioners are fantastic for restoring your hair. There’s a fine balance you’ll need to hit while using these conditioners, as leaving them in too long can have negative effects on your hair; however, when used properly, deep conditioners can work wonders for heat-damaged hair.

Make sure you give your hair a good cleaning before you use deep conditioners to get the most out of them. Leaving it in for 30 minutes to one hour is generally enough to get the benefits of the conditioners without causing damage.

  1. Try a Hot Oil Treatment

Hot oil treatments are great both for restoring damaged hair and enhancing your hair’s natural beauty. It has the ability to make your hair softer and healthier down to the roots, and can even provide benefits to your scalp!

All you need to do in order to create this hot oil treatment is to mix your oils of choice together in a plastic applicator bottle, then warm them up in a bowl or bathtub full of hot water. It’s important that you don’t just microwave the bottle; this will lead to uneven heating, and it could cause you to burn yourself! Stick to letting the bottle sit in warm water for about 10 to 30 minutes.

Once the oils are nice and warm, you can start applying it to your scalp and hair. Try to get as even a coating as possible, but if it isn’t perfect, don’t worry. You’ll still be able to get the benefits of the treatment.

After the application process, cover your head with either a shower cap or saran wrap so that your hair can absorb the oils. Leave the oils to sit for about an hour before rinsing it out of your hair. You can choose to sit under a dryer if you’d like to speed up the process, but make sure you use a towel or other protective layer to keep your hair from overheating!

  1. Use a Greenhouse Treatment

Similar to the hot oil treatment, greenhouse treatments allow your hair proper time to soak in the nutrients from the products you place in your hair. All you need is to dampen your hair with warm or hot water, then wrap it either in saran or plastic wrap to keep the moisture in. In order to get the full effects of this treatment, you should sit in a moisture-rich room so that you can keep as much moisture in your hair as possible. 

For an added bonus, you can place oil, butter, or conditioner after dampening your hair. Remember not to leave your hair soaking wet before wrapping it; you want damp, not wet. 

  1. Protein Treatments

Your hair is primarily made up of protein, so treating your hair to protein-rich products can help it repair any damage that has been done to it. That way, your hair can naturally restore itself on its own without the need for complicated treatments. 

Protein treatments work best for people with straight or wavy hair, as it often struggles to retain proteins. However, it can prove beneficial for people with curly hair as well, so don’t be afraid to give it a try!

  1. Avoid Washing Curly Hair Daily

When it comes to restoring curly hair, it’s crucial that it is washed every other day rather than daily. Daily washes can prevent the natural oils in your hair from doing their job and can cause more damage. 

If you do want to shower daily, just avoid using shampoo in your hair on a daily basis. That way, your hair can still gather moisture without washing away too much of the natural oils in your hair.

  1. Avoid Towel Drying

While towel drying your hair may seem like the next best solution if you’re taking a break from your hairdryer, that may not actually be the case. Wrestling your hair into a towel can cause the brittle ends to break off or put a strain on your already-fragile hair. 

Instead of using a towel, either turn down the temperature of your hair dryer or let your hair air-dry. This will prevent further damage in the long run.

  1. Trim the Damaged Ends of Your Hair

Unfortunately, you may not be able to fully restore your damaged hair with these tips. If your hair is still looking rough around the edges after three months of trial and error, you may need to consider trimming or cutting off the damaged ends.

Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to get a significant amount of hair cut off. Talk with your barber or stylist about potential styling options for your new cut to make the most out of a difficult situation.

  1. Preventing Future Heat Damage

After your cut is finished, you have a second chance to work towards preventing additional heat damage in the future! You can continue to use these tips down the road to keep your hair soft, clean, and healthy. 

Take care when brushing and styling your hair immediately after your cut, as you may still have damage at your roots that hasn’t fully healed yet. You may want to consider using the above treatments even after your cut to ensure it stays healthy as it grows out again.

Keep Your Hair Beautiful and Healthy

No one wants the mess that comes with heat-damaged hair; luckily, restoring heat damaged hair doesn’t have to be a challenge! The next time you notice your hair is having problems, follow these simple tips to get it growing on the right track again. Keep going easy on your styling tools to keep your hair damage-free for the future!

Have you been struggling with heat-damaged hair? What did you do to help you repair your hair?

For more helpful tips on maintaining your beautiful hair, continue reading our blog, and contact us with any questions you might have!

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