What to Think about When Buying a Mass Spectrometer

Buying a Mass Spectrometer

Mass spectrometry is an advanced and robust technology with a continually increasing spectrum of applications, with more and more high-tech equipment being launched. It is one of the most significant qualitative and quantitative analytical methods. There are many different types of molecular spectroscopy instruments for the many varied duties in modern analytics. Suppose you’re new to this sector and wish to add a mass spectrometer to your research or routine analytics lab. In that case, you’ll undoubtedly find it challenging to navigate the complexities of the “mass” market. However, you may quickly locate suitable instruments for your specialized applications in the world’s most extensive market overview of mass spectrometers.

1. What Are Your Plans for It?

Mass spectrometers of today’s state-of-the-art can measure a wide range of substances. However, some instrument kinds are better than others for your specific tasks. Therefore, when purchasing a mass spectrometer, it is advisable to contact the various manufacturers and discuss your requirements with their sales representatives and application specialists. They should be able to tell you exactly what type of instruments, features, and accessories you require for your particular tasks. This will enable you to locate the device that best meets your laboratory’s requirements. You can then examine the equipment from different manufacturers, putting you one step closer to finding the right mass spectrometer.

2. Is Your Lab Personnel Capable of Handling the Instrument?

It’s best to involve your laboratory workers in the mass spectrometer purchase selection. Your lab staff must handle a mass spectrometer effectively for your investment to be beneficial. Many manufacturers offer to exhibit the instrument in action at some of their locations, in addition to presenting preliminary information during trade shows. Make an appointment and bring your lab personnel with you. Before making a purchase decision, properly test your mass spectrometer of choice with your applications and samples.

3. Consumer Service: Do You, The Customer, Always Come First?

There’s more to consider when buying a mass spectrometer: don’t look at the mass spectrometer itself; look at the accessories, services, and information the manufacturer gives as well. For example, are you able to comprehend the user manual? Is your mass spectrometer compatible with applications? What about service intervals and charges, for example? Before buying a mass spectrometer, ask the manufacturer to show you the user manual and application support and discuss any potential servicing concerns.

4. How Does the Data Get Processed by The Mass Spectrometer?

Consider how you’ll handle the data your mass spectrometer creates from the start. Some mass spectrometers can only analyze small amounts of data and are meant for fundamental research. It’s best not to buy a high-end, easy-to-use mass spectrometer to be dissatisfied later since it can only analyze data in a specific format. This is especially important when determining which mass spectrometer to buy if you plan to process large amounts of data.

Begin your detailed search on the world’s most extensive market overview of molecular spectroscopy instruments right now. Download product information from catalogs and brochures, or contact the company directly.