Top Dog Safety Tips for First-Time Dog Owners

Dog Safety Tips
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Congratulations! You’re officially a first-time dog owner. You’ve committed to becoming an essential part of your pup’s life and want to keep you and your furry family member safe and secure.

But with all the excitement of bringing home this new bundle of joy, it can be easy to forget about some of the basic safety rules that come along with having a dog in your home. Follow these quick tips for first-time dog owners so you can enjoy all the fun parts of having a puppy without worrying about anything.

Be Careful of Other People Around Your Dog

The first thing to note is that dogs can be protective, especially of their owners. Their instinct is to guard the territory they live in, and they will usually try to defend it from intruders or perceived threats. Your dog may act aggressively if you have visitors, especially if the guests are children. And according to the CDC, 1 in 5 people who are bitten by a dog require medical attention. 

As a dog owner, you need to socialize your dog with other people so that they do not react negatively when someone new enters their domain. If possible, invite a child over for playdates with your pet regularly. 

It will help both of them get used to each other’s presence so that by the time you meet up in person (and maybe even have them spend some time together), neither one will feel threatened by their presence.

Be Careful of What You Feed Your Dog

The first step to dog ownership is making sure that you know what your dog needs. Dogs are, by nature, carnivores. They will eat just about anything and everything they can get their paws on. 

Because of this, you must be careful about what you feed them and how much they eat at a time. According to a report, demand for dog food grew steadily and is expected to increase at a CAGR of 4.6% from 2022 to 2027.

If your dog had been eating human-grade food before you got them as a pet, the chances are they will be used to eating much more than they would need if they were still in the wild. Especially since humans often give our dogs table scraps as treats. Make sure your new pet does not get table scraps from now on (unless specifically stated otherwise by a vet).

Get Pet Insurance – Especially If It Covers Dog Bites

Pet insurance can help cover medical costs, which is a good idea if your dog has been known to bite. It can also be a good idea for first-time dog owners who are unsure about whether or not their pet has a history of biting or other behavior that could cause injury.

Still on the fence? Dog bite insurance may be worth it even if you don’t have any concerns about dog bites. That’s because most pet insurance policies will only cover accidents caused by natural causes (including disease). 

If you have an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, such as someone else’s dog attacking yours, then no matter how much work they put into patching up the damage, they won’t pay for it. And that’s where dog bite insurance comes in handy.

Exercise Your Dog Frequently

Exercise is one of the most important things to consider when owning a dog. Not only does it help with weight control, but it also provides mental stimulation for your dog and helps them to be less stressed out. Dogs love to run around and play with their owners, so this isn’t something that should be hard for you.

If possible, try to walk or jog with your dog daily. If you live in an apartment building or live in an area where there are no sidewalks around, then walking is still possible. Ensure that the weather is cool enough for them. 

If you have a yard at home, teach your pup some basic training commands like sit (and stay) before letting them off-leash in the backyard, so they don’t run away from you while chasing squirrels or other animals outside of your home.

When deciding how much exercise is enough each day for your puppy, try doing some research online first. There are plenty of different opinions about how much exercise dogs need per day based on breed type.

Keep Your Home Clean and Free of Hazards

A clean and tidy home is safer for everyone. First, you’ll have an easier time keeping an eye on your dog if they can’t disappear under a pile of laundry or shoes. 

Second, it’s not just your floor that needs to be clean. Your walls, furniture, and countertops should also be free of hazards like poisonous plants or small objects like paperclips that could get stuck in their mouth. And finally, a clean house means fewer opportunities for fleas to make themselves home in your pup’s fur.

If items around the house could pose hazards for your dog (including electrical cords), keep them away by storing them off the ground or putting them out of reach with brackets or wall hooks. And remember, those scraps of paper and empty bags aren’t just trash. They’re also potential choking hazards.

Be Aware of Any Dangerous Things in Your Yard

When you’re looking for a new place to live, be sure to consider the dog. The yard should be big enough that they can run around and play without getting into trouble. You must also ensure there are no poisonous plants or chemicals in your yard.

If you have a large garden, you must ensure that your dog stays out of it as much as possible. Many pet parents have lost their pets due to ingesting poisonous plants accidentally or digging up bulbs and corms (think daffodils). If you want a large garden but don’t want your pet eating any plants, consider planting more exotic flowers that aren’t poisonous.

Keep Your Dog Leashed Outside of Your Home

Your dog should be leashed when outside. It is for their safety and the safety of others. Even if your dog has never run away, there is always a possibility that they might one day see something interesting in the distance, like another dog (or cat) to play with or an interesting smell, such as spilled food on the ground. 

Your leash will ensure that your dog can’t get into trouble by running off into the street where they could get hit by a car or attack another animal who may feel threatened by them coming near them.

Also, even if you know your pup well enough not to worry about them escaping from their collar while roaming around outside. Other people might not know them well and think they’re dangerous because of their breed or size, which means they could be attacked unnecessarily.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this list of top dog safety tips. If you’re a first-time dog owner, it can sometimes be a little overwhelming to start caring for your pup and make sure they stay safe, especially if you have a lot on your plate. But with these tips, we hope everyone returns home happy and healthy.

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