Tips to Make the Most of Holiday Season for Affiliates

Affiliate Marketing Program

The holiday season offers a unique opportunity for affiliates to capitalise on. People are willing to spend their money on products they’d need for the holiday season or in the future. If you can get the right products in front of them, they will think less before pulling out their credit card. But before you jump into creating your affiliate marketing campaign for the holidays, you need to keep a few things in mind.

Consider the Demographic

Holidays are specific to a certain demographic. If you’re targeting the Christmas holiday season for New Zealand residents, you need to run campaigns for affiliate marketing in NZ. Designing and running the right type of campaigns will help you leverage the varied interests and needs of a specific demographic or geography. One holiday campaign will not work for another.

With 88% internet penetration and 3.40 million social media users, New Zealand has a growing scope for digital marketing. You can capitalise on it with affiliate marketing campaigns focusing on holiday shoppers. 

Create More Content Targeting Gift Items

When the holiday season arrives or is about to arrive, people become more active and hunt for the best deals. They go on the internet, talk to their friends, and look around when they visit the malls or local markets. Online searching is where you need to capitalise on. This is your chance to provide information on the products you’re selling, why you’re selling them, and what benefit it delivers to the end-user. 

Whether the piece of content is a product comparison or a personal story, it must talk about the gift items. This will prompt holiday offer hunters to take action.

Use Promos and Coupons

The use of promos and coupons is a must if you’re targeting the holiday season. This is because discount coupons attract people into clicking on your products and considering a purchase. New Zealanders spent about $149.8 million on Boxing Day in 2019 while shopping around Christmas clocked up to $8.8 billion. So, it’s no wonder a majority of these shoppers are looking for lucrative deals and offers. 

If it’s useful enough and the offer is good enough, they’re more than likely to place an order. But when creating discount offers, you need to consider perception. Encourage purchases by talking about the benefits of buying at the discount price and what happens if they miss the deal.

Use Paid Marketing

Paid marketing is something you shouldn’t be afraid of. They will supercharge your marketing campaigns. The benefits of running ads on sites like Google and Facebook is that you can target particular locations. So, you can run campaigns for affiliate marketing in NZ for Auckland consumers one day and move on to other cities like Christchurch, Hamilton, Wellington, or Tauranga the next day. 

Optimise for Mobile Devices

Finally, optimise your website, landing pages, product pages, banners, and images for mobile. People often search for anything on their mobile devices. Hence, smartphone usage peaks during the holiday season. Therefore, if your campaign is not optimised for this platform, you’re going to miss out. You may use Google Search Console to test mobile compatibility. It is free and accurate.

Holidays come and go, and they have a deep emotional connection with the people who celebrate it. Just make their holidays better by offering the right products, and you can develop an ever-lasting relationship with them. Affiliate marketing platforms allow you to get these products easily.

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