Technology Trends in Recruitment That Is Changing Talent Acquisition

Talent Acquisition
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Finding, engaging, and hiring candidates has become an increasingly complex process. As the demand to hire the right person quickly increases, too have the reliance on technology. And with that comes a massive change in the way talent acquisition functions.

Talent acquisition has changed a lot over the past couple of years. It’s not just social recruiting or using new job boards. It’s about how technology has made it easier for recruiters to build relationships. They can engage candidates and attract them to your employer brand.

As a result, recruitment teams continuously look for ways to achieve more with less. They are always looking for tools and technologies to make their work easier, faster, and more efficient. This has been made possible by the rapid development of technology in the HR space in recent years.

This article will look at some recruitment technology trends that change how organizations manage their recruitment process. The evolving landscape and advent of the future of tech hiring is playing a crucial role in shaping the strategies and tools used by recruitment professionals.

What’s Recruitment Technology in Talent Acquisition?

Recruitment technology is software also known as HR technology. It is designed to help recruiters find and attract the best candidates for their job openings. This technology ranges from applicant tracking systems (ATS) to social media channels.

There are no one-fits-all solutions for recruitment tech! Pierpoint’s Flexible RPO Solutions is a recruitment company that will help you in the talent acquisition process.

Video Interviewing

Video interviews are on the rise, and many companies embrace this trend. It is a way to engage with candidates before inviting them for an in-person interview. It allows hiring managers to conduct screenings when they’re not in the same location as the candidate.

Moreover, video interviews can enable hiring teams to evaluate a candidate’s soft skills. These include, communication style, ability to work in a team, and leadership potential.

Using Social Media for Talent Acquisition

Using social media to recruit candidates has become mainstream. It is one of the most important recruitment technology trends. Research conducted by Monster found that 80 percent of U.S.-based employers are using social media tools to look for candidates.

Also, more than 40 percent of employers have hired someone through social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook.

Mobile Recruiting

This trend has become necessary in today’s job market as most people search for jobs on mobile devices. Mobile recruiting means that businesses can reach a wider audience of job seekers.

This is by posting jobs on mobile-friendly websites. They can also conduct interviews via video conferencing apps.

With mobile recruiting, candidates can;

  • Apply to jobs

  • Build resumes

  • Complete assessments on their phones or tablets

Additionally, recruiters can use social media networks to promote open positions. They can post them on platforms such as LinkedIn.

A great way for recruiters to capitalize on this new trend is by creating a branded career site optimized for mobile devices. Branded career sites allow candidates to easily access information about your company.

They can also see open positions while staying engaged with your company’s brand.

Talent Sourcing Automation

Recruitment automation is all about using technology to make tasks more efficient. By automating screening and resume parsing, recruiters can spend more time engaging candidates.

This means less time on administrative tasks. Recruiters see great results from automation software with many reports saving hours every week. According to a survey by LinkedIn Talent Solutions, 90 percent of recruiters said automation has made them more productive at work.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a major buzzword in recruiting over the last few years, but it’s not just hype. Companies are now using AI-based platforms to quickly source candidates from across the web and identify those most qualified for a role.

Many organizations start with AI-powered sourcing tools that use artificial intelligence. They can analyze job descriptions and find candidates with similar skills or experience on social networks, job boards, and other online sources.

With so many places online where potential candidates can hide, these tools can save recruiters’ hours.

Machine learning is also predicted to become integral to recruitment. This is because it continuously refines its algorithms based on experience and insight at scale.

Leveraging Talent Acquisition Data

Source: Pixabay

Technology also enhances how organizations collect, manage and analyze the large amounts of data associated with current recruiting efforts. Examples include applicant tracking systems (ATS), which can collect data from multiple sources. They help HR talent acquisition track;

  • How many applications do they receive for each job listing

  • How many candidates apply for each listing through different means

  • What types of candidates apply for each job

  • and other valuable metrics related to their recruiting efforts

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR innovations offer new opportunities for recruiters to connect with prospective employees. For example, they can be used during an open house or event to provide a live feed of what an employee’s life might be like working at your company.

If everyone can’t attend your open house, a live video feed from the event can be recorded or streamed so remote candidates can still participate. Virtual job tryouts also allow candidates to experience what their jobs would be like. They don’t have to make any commitments upfront.


Tech changes and improves how people find jobs, but getting lost in the small details can make it hard to see the big picture. New tools and trends make it hard to tell which ones are truly new and which ones we should avoid.

The rise in popularity of more collaborative tools like social recruiting could change how people look for jobs in the future. There is a chance that small and medium-sized businesses might be able to keep up with the big tech companies.

Especially when they open up their hiring practices. In the end, new technology in this field will keep growing as long as it helps both people who need it and people who want to get a job.