Simple Tips on Academic English Essay Writing

English Essay Writing

Writing an essay is one of the important forms of independent learning activities for students. When writing an essay, a student acquires the skills of an academic presentation of the material and the ability to generalize facts and draw theoretical and practical conclusions on their basis. In the future, these skills and abilities will be useful to the student when writing research papers and theses.

An essay for a student is a small scientific study, indicating knowledge of the literature on the proposed topic and its main issues, reflecting the author’s viewpoint on the problem on the basis of theoretical knowledge.

The essay allows you to identify a variety of approaches to a particular topic. In preparation for writing a paper, a student should study the necessary literature on the subject of essay research, briefly and clearly state the opinions of various researchers, and, if possible, give their understanding of the problem. If you don’t have time for this, you should entrust your papers to essay writing services. A professional writer will deal with your paper quickly, and you will be sure that an essay will be submitted on time. 

Find out the goals of writing essays

The goals of writing essays are:

  • development of students’ skills of competent presentation of their judgment on the selected issue in writing;
  • identification and development of interest in academic and practical activities;
  • the use of acquired skills in the preparation and writing of term papers and theses.

Stick to the main tasks when writing an essay

The main tasks of students while writing an essay are:

  • completeness of the literature usage on the selected topic;
  • correct transfer of the author’s position in their paper;
  • a competent statement of the reasons for their agreement (disagreement) with one or another author on this issue.

Follow the requirements

Basic requirements for the content of the essay:

  • the material used in the essay must relate to the selected topic;
  • you should state the main problem aspects not only correctly but also according to a specific logic (thematic, chronological, event, etc.);
  • when writing, the ideas of various authors should be combined according to the commonality of points of view;
  • the essay should end with a summing up of the research work: include a brief analysis or justification of the advantages of the viewpoint on the topic with which the student agrees.

Choose the topic wisely

Work on the essay begins with the choice of a topic. When choosing a problem for writing an essay, a student can use the list of topics proposed by the teacher. But the student’s interest in the topic of the essay determines the quality of their research and, accordingly, the grade. Therefore, you can try to formulate the topic yourself.

When determining the topic of the essay, it is necessary to take into account its information reliability. To this end, firstly, you can refer to library catalogs, and secondly, consult with a teacher and a librarian.

Make a plan

Having chosen the topic and having studied the literature, it is necessary to draw up a research plan. Work on the essay plan must begin at the stage of studying the literature. Your plan is a concise list of provisions in the order in which they will be located in the essay and the stages of the disclosure of the topic. 

The rough outline of the plan will be supplemented and changed while writing. There are two types of plans. They are simple and complex (expanded). In a simple plan, the content of the essay is divided into paragraphs, and in a complex one – into chapters and paragraphs. But how to build a competent essay plan? 

Remember that there is no single recipe here; a huge role is played by how the accents are supposed to be placed and how the topic and purpose of the paper are formulated. When working on an essay plan, it must be remembered that the wording of the points of the plan should not repeat the wording of the topic (a part cannot equal the whole).

Write the introduction

The introduction is one of the integral and important parts of the essay. The introduction usually contains a rationale for the relevance of the chosen topic, a statement of the purpose and objectives of the literary research, a brief review of the literature and sources on the problem, and a thesis statement.

The introduction is 1-2 paragraphs needed to get started. Make the introduction bright, interesting, intriguing, and problematic. The substantiation of the relevance of the selected topic is, first of all, the answers to the questions, “Why did I select this topic of the essay? Why did it interest me?” 

Write the main part

The main part of an essay should correspond to the topic and fully disclose it. The essay shows the personal attitude of the student toward the material presented. You should strive to ensure that the presentation is clear, simple, accurate, and at the same time, expressive. While writing the main part of an essay, you should:

  • break down the material into paragraphs;
  • formulate brief conclusions on the paragraphs;
  • determine your attitude to the problem under study, position, opinion, and views.

Write the conclusion

The conclusion is an independent part of the essay. It should not be a continuation of the main part of the paper. The conclusion must contain the following:

  • generalization of the main provisions and conclusions in a concise form;
  • correct assessment of the depth of the solution to those issues that arose in the process of studying the topic.

Make a bibliographic list

The bibliography is a list of used literature. The bibliography is compiled in alphabetical order and numbered. Book information is given in the following order:

  1. author (surname, initials);
  2. title, subtitle;
  3. imprint (publisher, place of publication, and year of publication). 

If we are talking about an article published in a collection, magazine, or newspaper, then after the author and title of the publication, the following is indicated:

  1. name of the collection, magazine, newspaper;
  2. place of publication and year of publication (if a collection);
  3. year, issue of the magazine or date of publication of the newspaper, page.

Follow these tips, and you will deal with academic essay writing successfully.

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