What Does a Scrum Master Do? The Complete Guide

Scrum Master

If you’re looking for a leadership role within your team, and you enjoy the agile process, then you could benefit from becoming a scrum master. But what is that and how can you pursue that field?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about scrum masters, what they do, and how you can follow your career goals to become one. 

What Is a Scrum Master?

The majority of agile followers use the scrum framework to implement it. So, if you enjoy the fast-paced, team-focused, efficiency-motivated mindset of the agile manifesto, then you need to learn more about scrum. 

Fully understand the role the scrum master does can be tricky, there isn’t one set definition. And for many people who come from a long history of using the waterfall method and traditional project management, it can be difficult to master this skill set. 

As the scrum master, you’re the coach on the sideline. You don’t get to play the game with your team on the field and you don’t get to make the big picture decisions with the owner and GM up in the press box. But, you are still a vital component in the process. 

The beauty of true scrum implementation is that there isn’t one singular person at your company who is always the scrum master. In fact, ideally, it is never the same person twice in a row. Sometimes you will be on the scrum team and other times you will be the scrum master depending on your skill-set and project capacity. 

If you appreciate the role of servant leadership and enjoy helping others shine, then you would make a great scrum master. The scrum master needs to be able to step back and let their scrum team do what they do best. And then you also need to know when it’s time to step in and make a suggestion or simple be a sounding board when your team needs to talk through a problem or obstacle. 

What Does a Scrum Master Do?

So, what does the coach of the team do all day? They aren’t in the weight room with their team or out on the field running plays. Instead, they are overseeing that all those activities are in fact happening when they need to be.

The scrum master description can be vague sometimes which can be difficult for those of us who like clear-cut roles and responsibilities. However, this can also lead to a unique ability to adapt the position for each project as you tackle them. 

As the scrum master, you will be the person setting up the planning sessions before the project and the review sessions after. You will also help facilitate the daily standup meetings. However, in all these instances you’re not participating in the sessions, you’re simply there to guide and coach your team so everyone knows they’re on the right path. 

You will also help your team with any obstacles they might encounter along the way. To successfully implement the short sprints in the scrum process, your team needs to be completely focused. So, they don’t have time to chase down additional resources as it becomes evident what’s needed during the game. As the coach, it’s your job to help make these half-time changes and provide the resources needed to come out victorious at the end. 

In short, as the scrum master, you’re the liaison between the team on the ground and the product owner in the booth. 

How to Become a Scrum Master

If you’re interested in a scrum master job, you need to be a part of more scrum teams. Additionally, the right certification can catapult your career as a Scrum master. So, be prepared to take the right courses so you can successfully pass the scrum tests and become a scrum master.  

The first step in any process is to become familiar with the process. So, start with an overall course on what the scrum process entails so you can become an expert in this field for your company. 

Second, you will narrow your studies on the scrum master role itself. You will learn how to tackle problems as they arise for your team. You will also learn how to create user stories and how to help the product owner determine the best launch and release schedule for your company. 

Finally, you must become an expert in the scrum process, team roles, how to conduct the daily standup meetings, how to successfully conduct each sprint, and how to ensure that your team is delivering quality products on time and under budget. After all, this the key benefits of adopting the scrum process and why you can be incredibly valuable to your organization when you master this role. 

Now You’re Ready to Take Your Career to a New Level

As the scrum master, you will get a unique birds-eye view of your organization. You will find yourself in a fun and fast-paced work environment in which you will need to facilitate meetings and solve problems. However, you will also need to know when it’s time to stay on the sideline and let your team shine. 

This dichotomy can be difficult to master, but the result speaks for itself. So, if you’re ready, it’s time to choose a course and get started on your journey to this new and exciting role in your career. 

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