What Pillow Do Chiropractors Recommend For Side Sleepers?

best pillow for side sleepers
Photo of a young Hispanic woman lying in bed, on her side, happily asleep with a smile on her face.

Our sleep is the most fundamental factor in our physical and mental health. A good night of sleep starts with getting comfortable.

Our surroundings, sleep time, atmosphere, preferred temperature, different mattresses, pillows, sheets and other sleeping accessories are what chiropractors suggest us to focus on.

Who is the best pillow for side sleepers?

A side sleeper is someone who sleeps on either the left or right side of their body. These sleepers will often tuck a pillow in between their shoulders and head or put a pillow between their knees. A lot of side sleepers will hug a pillow as well.

An easy way to tell if you’re a side sleeper is to look at your bedhead when you wake up. Flattened hair on one side means there’s a good chance you are part of these ranks.

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Side sleepers make up 74 percent of the population — by far the most archetypal sleeper.

In fact, sleeping on your side is the most comfortable for our body, as it seems to us. Is it true?

With a normal daily sleep duration (7.5 to 8 hours), we spend about a third of our lives sleeping. That’s almost 22 years!

Here is what happens during sleep: 

  • body temperature drops

  • muscles relax

  • the brain clears useless information

  • weight loss occurs

  • toxin cleansing

This means that our body is formed at a time when we do not even think about it and do not even realize it.

Benefits of side sleeping

While sleeping on your back has long been thought to be the ideal sleeping position, research is showing that side sleeping can have just as many benefits.

With proper body alignment, sleeping on your side can:

  • reduce joint and lower back pain

  • reduce chronic pain

  • reduce snoring

  • improve intestinal health.

  • relieve gastrointestinal problems like heartburn, constipation and bloating.

Snoring is a common symptom seen with obstructive sleep apnea. This serious condition leads to impaired breathing, which can lead to long-term complications such as:

  • diabetes

  • heart attack

  • cognitive problems

What our spine doing at night 

The spine has an exceptional memory.

Receptors located in the muscles, joints and tendons transmit information about their position to the brain, the brain remembers this information and gets used to it, so the correct posture is formed.  That’s why it can be hard to get out of the habit of having bad posture.

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If the position in which you fell asleep prevents your body from functioning and recovering normally, then no matter how long you sleep, you will feel yourself broken in the morning.

One of the most relevant aspects is keeping the spine intact. Any chiropractor will confirm that the spinal cord is directly connected to all major organs. If the spine is damaged and the exchange of information between the brain and the body is disrupted, it can have chronic and even catastrophic results. Some such problems are caused by incorrect positioning of your body during sleep.

Regular sleeping on your side threatens to curvature your body. If the body position is not correct, strongly deviated forward or backward, a lateral curvature of the spine is formed, which is unacceptable on a permanent basis.

Is there any way to affect it?

YES, of course!

The most comfortable sleep place should:

  • accurately take the shape of the body

so that the shoulders, pelvis, spine are as free as in a standing position, and the pressure on the joints and ligaments is minimal

  • to have the maximum contact area with the body

This way the load on the soft tissues is reduced and the microcirculation in them is practically unchanged.

One of your best assistants in that case will be a pillow.

The right pillow

Pillows are not just for your head and neck. Depending on your sleeping position, additional pillows can help keep your spine in the correct position.

The pillow in your legs should:

  • be triangular

  • support your hip and knees

  • support the back

  • not cause discomfort while sleeping

The pillows should be adjustable so you can sleep in different positions. Change pillows every year or so.

All you’ve been missing for a healthy sleep is a simple orthopedic knee pillow.

Here’s what a pillow between your legs can improve: 

– the blood supply to the brain;

– the stability of the spine;

– hormone production;

– the integrity of joints and ligaments;

– oxygen supply and breathing efficiency;

– muscular tissue function and repair;

– heart function and blood pressure;

– digestion and cellular metabolism.

The ORTOREX Knee Pillow helps you with your back problems, to sleep on your side and solve the root cause of those problems. It lines up your spine along with your hip and knees, stabilizing your posture while resting. Another factor the rest triangle helps you with is by relieving pressure from head to toe by reducing inflammation on the central nervous system.

Our pillow is the best for many reasons:

  • Multiply sleep position support

  • Leg support

  • Back support

  • Hip & Joint support

  • Knee support

  • Breathable, cool design

  • Natural orthopedic alignments

  • Fits things comfortably

Also satisfying your aesthetic needs, our pillow is available in 5 colors:

  • Blue

  • Gray

  • Green

  • Red

  • White

Side sleeping best practices

It’s important to know the best practices. This way, you can get the most out of this sleeping position without waking up to pain and discomfort the next morning:

  1. Lie down on a medium-firm mattress, using one firm pillow underneath your head.

  2. Shift over to your left side first. Your ears should be in line with your shoulders, while your chin is neutral. Avoid tucking your chin into your chest or keeping your head down.

  3. Keep your arms and hands below your face and neck, preferably parallel to the sides.

  4. Put a firm pillow between your knees (especially if you have low back pain). This helps prevent the collapse of hip and knee joints, thereby creating better alignment in your spine.

  5. Slightly lift your knees up toward your chest to reduce pressure on your back.

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