The Montessori Education System_ Heres what most people dont know

Montessori Education System

Because of its unique learning approach, with over a century of education to back its widespread implementation, the popularity of the Montessori education system is growing among today’s parents. The Montessori Philosophy emphasizes a progressive curriculum that utilizes child-directed learning, backed by scientific research and observation as the system’s core value. Children are encouraged to make choices in the classroom, with their learning instructor to guide them on each step. This approach proves to be quite handy to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.

At the core of Montessori learning approach is self-education. It is based on self-directed activity, collaborative play, and hands-on learning. Research shows that there’s a lasting impact of early learning experiences on a child’s development and learning. Could this be the reason a growing number of parents are choosing Montessori in Singapore?

A learning environment that emphasizes self-discipline and responsibility 

When kids participate in learner-centered education, it’s possible to discover a unique path to learning with guidance from the instructors. That means the kids learn about responsibility and understand the need to work within a given framework and the schedule of their classroom. For example, they learn the importance and how to use their time wisely. The kids are encouraged to help other kids who are struggling with a particular concept, and this helps them to take responsibility for others. 

Naturally, kids want to belong to a specific group. Besides, they want to make friends in school and excel in academics. All these require some level of self-discipline. Whenever a kid knows they’re responsible for their own success and behavior, they often feel motivated to regulate their choices and overall behavior. 

Teachers guide rather than directing 

The focus of a Montessori class on the learners, and it’s rare to see a teacher in front of the learners lecturing. The teachers don’t provide students with the information they must memorize. Instead, they guide and support the kids as they pursue learning on their own. Note the teacher contributes by creating a well-thought-out learning opportunity to encourage the kids to learn and support them as they take part in those learning tasks. 

An atmosphere of mutual respect

Teachers in the Montessori learning environment understand that each kid has an innate desire to learn when given a chance in a way that perfectly fits their learning style and strengths. Besides, kids in the Montessori setting learn the importance of respecting both their peers and teachers. With time, they come to understand that students and educators are part of a big community that supports each other in the process of learning. Though the teachers work as facilitators, the learners work together to explore all the available learning opportunities.  

Wrap up

The Montessori learning system natures order, concentration, coordination, and independence in kids. The overall classroom design, daily activities, and materials support the learner’s emerging self-regulation – the concept of self-regulation and critically think about what they’re learning. Studies have shown that Montessori lessons align perfectly and ensures kids are introduced to complicated learning concepts via hands-on experiences that result in more profound understanding.