The Important Facts About President Joe Biden You Have To Know About

President Joe Biden

Do you know some of the facts about President Joe Biden? He is the forty-sixth president of the United States. He is seventy-nine years old. Also, his full name is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. His birthplace is Scranton, Pennsylvania. Before joining politics he was a public defender. Also, he was the second catholic president after President Joe Biden. But still many are unaware of some of the facts about his life. We have listed out some of the fast facts about Joe Biden net worth and a lot more. Have a look at it. 

President Joe Biden net worth 

Biden has made a lot of money from the book deals and speaking engagements. In 2009 his net worth was less than $30,000 but after his vice presidency and it increased. He and his wife Jill earned more than $15 million in 2017 and 2018. Further, Biden’s speaking fee was $100,000. 

The bulk of the wealth of the Bidens is from real estate. But they have a portfolio of other investments too. Also, his presidential salary is $400,000 per year. All of this adds to the Joe Biden net worth of $8 million. 

Joe Biden is the oldest US president 

Biden was born on Nov. 20, 1942. When he became the president he was seventy- eight years old. This makes him one of the oldest presidents in the history of America. 

His fellow students bullied him 

Biden grew up in the neighborhood of Scranton, Penns and later lived in Wilmington. He had a stutter as a child and because of it he was bullied at school by his fellow students. But he taught himself to overcome his stutter. 

Biden played football 

When he was in high school Biden was a wide receiver. Then he was a running back at Delaware’s Archmere Academy during the 1960s. 

He lost his first wife

Biden’s first wife was Nelia Biden and she died in a car crash while on a shopping trip in 1972. During the crash, Biden also lost his one-year-old daughter Naomi. His two other children Beau and Hunter survived the crash with injuries. 

Biden’s second wife is Jill Biden 

In 1975 Biden found love for a second time after he saw Jill Tracy Jacobs. They met on a blind date. Also, he proposed to her five times and after that only she agreed to marry him. They got married on June 17, 1977. Further, she helped him to think about politics and life. With her, he has a daughter Ashley Biden and she is a social worker.  

Biden did not take part in elections in 2016 because of his son’s death 

Biden’s oldest son Beau Biden was battling brain cancer and died in 2015. He was only forty-six years old at that time. So he and his family were grieving at that time so he did not run for the elections at that time. 

He likes ice-creams 

President Biden has a weakness for ice-creams. His favourite ice cream flavour is chocolate chip ice cream. Also according to sources, his campaign spent $10,000 on ice cream for the donors. 

Biden was twenty-nine when he made a record  

Biden was only twenty-nine when he was elected into the U.S. Senate. This made him one of the youngest people in congress at that time. 

He is from a middle-class family 

Biden’s father Joseph Robinette Biden Sr. was a wealthy man but he lost money because of losses in the business. For many yеars after Biden Jr was born, the family lived with maternal grandparents. It was hard for Biden’s father to get work but he began as a successful used-car salesman they maintained their lifestyle as middle-class.  


Joe Biden is a simple man with huge dreams. He loves his family and also the dogs that live in the white house with him.

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