What is Hypertrichosis? Types And Symptoms


Well, many of you must have heard about the medical condition where excessive hair growth happens anywhere on a person’s body, right? Yes, the famous werewolf syndrome. This is a rare disease that you will come across in people.

Usually, doctors classify this medical condition into two distinct types. One is generalized hypertrichosis another is localized hypertrichosis. Do you know when this condition develops? Well, it can be either present at birth or is acquired later on in life. Today, in this article we will be talking about different types of this rare medical condition as well as its symptoms. Let’s get started!

Causes Of Hypertrichosis

There are different theories about the causes of hypertrichosis. Here are some of them:

  • It can happen due to genetic factors. In most cases, it is genes that stimulate hair growth, thereby making it abnormally active.  
  • Malnutrition can also be a probable cause of this medical condition.
  • Eating disorders 
  • It can also happen due to certain drugs and medications.
  • Cancer 
  • Cell mutation
  • Other infectious diseases can also become a probable cause of developing this condition.


So there are different types of Hypertrichosis that can be placed under various categories when a person develops the condition. Here are some of them:

Congenital Hypertrichosis Lanuginosa

In this medical condition, you might notice the fine lanugo hairs appearing in a fetus. However, they do not fade away after birth. Rather they continue to grow abnormally in different areas of a person’s body.

Congenital Hypertrichosis Terminalis

People who are affected by this condition have terminal hair right from their birth and it continues growing for their entire life. Moreover, you might notice thick hair growth all over the body, including the face. 

Naevoid Hypertrichosis

In this type of condition, you might notice abnormal hair growth in one or more areas of the skin. For instance, a person having very bushy eyebrows is a typical example of this condition.

Acquired Hypertrichosis

This particular type develops much later in your life. It is similar mostly to the congenital type. Therefore, you will find excessive hair growth in small patches, or over the entire body as well.


The primary symptom that will help you understand that you have developed this medical condition is the abnormal growth of hair all over your body. Furthermore, it can also appear in unusual areas as well. Here are some of them:


We often notice lanugo hair or thin, long hair growth on an infant’s body, don’t we? Well, they mostly fall out after a few weeks. However, if you notice that the hair has pigments and is not falling off even after a few weeks it can be a probable symptom of Hypertrichosis. 


As you know Terminal hairs are the darkest of the three types of hair. Moreover, it is generally thick, coarse, and long. We usually see this hair on our armpits, face, and groin. Therefore, excessive hair growth in these areas is one of the common symptoms of this condition. 


This type of hair is usually very soft and faintly has pigments. Moreover, you will find them in all areas of your body, except where there are no hair follicles. For instance, soles of the feet, palms of the hand, etc. However, in this condition, you tend to have excessive hair growth even in these areas.

Summing it Up

If you go through this article, you will understand that even though this is not a deadly medical condition but still it causes discomfort in public places. Most of the time, it is a genetic condition. However, you can also acquire it later on. Therefore, managing the symptoms and treating them properly is the only way to treat Hypertrichosis. Different types of Hypertrichosis can

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