How to Become a Digital Nomad in Australia?

Digital Nomad in Australia

You’ve probably heard the term ‘digital nomad’ a few times and you know it’s got something to do with the Internet; the word nomad is a bit of a giveaway, if you make your money via the web, then you can literally be a nomad and wander the world, as long as you have an Internet connection. What is the attraction, I hear you say? Well, you could go to Darwen for a few months; invest in a motorhome and you have it all! You might prefer to spend your time in Hunter Valley and who could blame you?

If you would like to enjoy a high level of freedom and independence by joining the many Australians who make their living online.

What have you got to offer?

Do you have skillsets; a trade or certification that allows you to do business? Can your skillsets be delivered digitally? 

Here are some occupations that are digital-friendly:

  • Designer
  • Coding, software development
  • Cyber security
  • Healthcare services
  • Health & fitness
  • Medical
  • Physio, counsellor
  • Consultant

If you haven’t got skillsets to offer, it’s not the end of the world, you could set up a shopping cart website, although you would need an income for the first year, until you get established. You could be with a beach towel and laptop, running your business in style!


Do some serious market research before choosing a product line, if you are passionate about something and there is a niche market, this would be a good path to take.

You need the following,

  • Acquire a web domain (
  • Web design, build and hosting
  • Cyber security
  • Digital marketing
  • Logistics management

All your web needs can be met by a single provider, site build, hosting, management and cyber security, which lets you focus on other aspects of the business such as marketing and customer service.

Create a business plan

Much like any business, selling online requires a great deal of research and planning; search the web for information on how to write a business plan to help you get started. A good business plan would be at least 15 pages, covering all aspects and it should be able to stand up to scrutiny. Simply putting a high sales figure in the projections isn’t going to do it; you have to show where that revenue will come from. Of course, the most important decision is your line of products, choose something that is in demand and will be for a long time to come. The 21st-century consumer is eco-friendly and well-versed in the science, selling green products is a wise move.

Registering as Freelance

Let’s say you are a language teacher or a tradie, in order to do business, you have to register with the Australian government, which is straightforward and can be completed online.

Imagine being able to live anywhere in the world; you can certainly tour Australia first; rent a motorhome and check out the Outback.

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