How Long Do Braces Take to Straighten Teeth?

Straighten Teeth

Did you know that around four million Americans wear braces- and almost 1 in four are adults?

However, the actual number of people who could benefit from orthodontic work may be much higher.

Braces can give a confidence boost to a wide range of patients. Those with crooked teeth, underbite sufferers, and people with misaligned jaws are just some of the people who can benefit from this safe and straightforward corrective measure.

So how long do braces take to straighten teeth? Read on to find out more about the braces process of making your perfect smile a reality.

How Long Do Braces Take To Straighten Teeth? 

One thing that might put off people who need braces is the timeframe for correcting their dental health. But, the process is relatively quick, and the results can last a lifetime.

The average time for getting teeth straight is around two years, although this may vary from case to case. There are many options to choose from, and your orthodontist will discuss this with you during a series of consultations- helping to pick the best option for you.

Metallic braces cost around $5000 and are the most common option. Ceramic braces are equally effective and may cost up to $8000. the main difference is how noticeable they look.

Other braces such as Lingual and Invisalign braces are almost unnoticeable, meaning that you or your child will hardly notice that two years have passed. 

Fitting Braces

fitting braces is a simple procedure that only takes around an hour. It involves the dentist looping a wire anchor to your back molars, then gluing a bracket to each tooth.

Then, they attach it all with an archwire. This can be the fun part as you choose which color bands to have on your dental braces. 

The procedure may be a little uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t hurt. If it feels too tight or painful, let your practitioner know during the process- they will adjust so that it sits comfortably in your mouth. 

Some people say the worst part of the whole procedure is the taste of the dental glue, which only lasts 5 minutes!

Removing Your Braces

After around two years, you will really see the benefits of braces, and it will be time to have them removed.

You may have visited the orthodontist for a few tweaks and adjustments here and there during this time. They will also check that your braces are doing their job and not hurting you.

When they decide you are ready to have your braces removed, they will use a special tool to loosen them. Usually, braces will come off in one clean piece.

remember to wear your retainer! 24/7 for one week, then each night to maintain your newly straightened teeth.

It’s important you stick to your retainer wear schedule to keep your teeth from shifting back to their original positions. This shifting happens gradually, so it’s not something you’ll notice just by looking in the mirror. The best way to prevent this relapse is by wearing your aftercare retainers as prescribed. Hawley and plastic retainers are removable, which makes for simplified cleanings and easier mealtimes. If you’re worried about sticking to a wear schedule, consult with your orthodontist about getting a permanent or “fixed” retainer, which consists of a small metal wire bonded to the lingual (tongue) side of your smile.

Braces: An Investment in Straight Teeth

So, how Long Do Braces Take to Straighten Teeth? Now you know! The benefits of braces are enormous, and that’s how long you can expect to wear them. But if you ever feel pain in your jaw because of this, be sure to book an appointment with this TMJ dentist in Gilbert, Arizona to help you out.

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Read Also : When is the Right Time to Get Your Kids Braces?