Everything You Need to Know About Employer Branding

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At the most basic, your employer brand is the same thing as your reputation among the workforce as well as the perception of your employees of you as an employer. This is the way that you will be able to market your company to internal employees and potential job seekers. The better your employer brand, the easier it is to attract some of the top talents you need. 

When you work hard to build up a strong brand, you can get customers to come and make a purchase with you. But it is possible to have a strong product brand and a poor employer branding. These are two separate things. Just because customers love your product does not mean that job seekers want to come work for you.  

Your employer branding is going to work with making changes so your company is a place that people enjoy working at. This can help with your recruiting process and will make it easier for you to hire the right talent as your business grows or when someone is promoted from within. Understanding this employer branding and how it can benefit you will make a difference.  

Why is Employer Branding So Important? 

Many people wonder whether their employer branding is going to be all that important. They may be new to the business world or have no need to hire someone new at this time, so it may seem like a bad idea for them to take their time to work on the brand and improve it for future hires.  

Employer branding is very important. It is critical to your bottom line. When you have a good employer brand, it is able to reduce your turnover rate by 28% and can cut down the costs per hire by half.  

In fact, 75% of active job seekers are more likely to apply for a job if they think that the employer is actively working on and improving their employer brand. Keep in mind that you have your own employer brand, whether you put effort into it or not. But if you do not work on the brand, then it is likely the branding is not as good as you would like.  

What Should Be Included in Your Employer Branding Strategy?

Employer Branding
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When you would like to work on your employer branding, you need to have a strategy in place to help you be as successful as possible with it. This will assist you in marketing your business to job seekers and can help your employees feel more comfortable and satisfied with the work you have for them. And this is enough to bring more employees through the door. 

Your employer branding is going to be a huge component of your business and how you can recruit and hire the best people to help your business to grow. As you get ready for your employer branding strategy, there are a few things that should happen to help you see success. Some of these include:

  • Know your value proposition: You must focus on your company’s mission statements, vision, values, and culture. You may want to start by identifying your business needs and then work backwards to help you learn what talent you would like to hire to meet these objectives. This helps your employer brand to meet with your business goals. 
  • Do an employer brand audit: You may have no idea what your current reputation is among job seekers or your own employees. It is time to send out surveys, do social media searches, and look into Glassdoor Reviews. This will help you get a good idea on how others view your company right now. 
  • Write your employer value proposition: This proposition is going to be both a promise and a marketing message. Do not say anything that isn’t true or that some of your employees would not agree with. This is also something that talks about your values and mission and can be used during recruiting processes. 
  • Leverage your employees: When a potential hire would like to learn more about the employer brand, they want to see how current employees like the job. You can leverage your current talent to show off your current culture and how a typical day of work is for your company. This can attract the top talent when you are transparent. 
  • Cultivate your onboarding process: Onboarding is one of the first experiences a hire will go through with you. if it is a mess or takes too long, then it can leave a negative impression for the new hire. Your goal is to make the onboarding process as simple and streamlined as possible, so the hire doesn’t look for a different job. 
  • Offer development opportunities: Companies who offer their employees chances to learn new things in their industry and to get promotions will have happier employees. If you allow these learning opportunities, especially if you pay for them, your employees will be better prepared to take on the work for your customers and will be happier. 
  • Tell your company story: There are many ways that you can tell your company story. You can use any method that you would like for this including a slideshow, photos, blog posts, and video to help tell the story you would like. 
  • Create a strong inclusion initiative: If you would like your employer brand to be strong, you need to show your commitment to having a diverse team. There are a lot of benefits to your company for having this kind of team like more innovation, a better culture, and some of the best in customer service so this is an initiative you can do.

Taking Care of Your Employer Branding

Taking Care of Your Employer Branding
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As an employer, you need to make sure that your brand looks good, not only to your customers, but also to any potential hires you may need to recruit later on. By understanding how employer branding works, you will be able to make this a reality.