What Are The Different Hair Loss Causes And How Can They Be Treated?

Hair Loss

Many people fear losing their hair because healthy hair boosts up our confidence and self-esteem. When you start to shed more hair than usual or start to notice bald spots, it can be scary, and you might want to know what is causing your hair loss and how it can be treated. You need to know there are different hair loss types and many possible causes, and there is also some treatment you can have, such as FUE hair transplant.

Are you interested in treating your hair loss? It is best to know the different causes of hair loss and how to treat it. Read on to find out what causes hair loss and the best ways to treat it.


It does not matter whether you are a man or a woman because both genders develop this type of hair loss. When you are experiencing hereditary hair loss, it means you inherited genes that cause hair follicles to shrink, and later, your hair will stop growing. Your age does not matter when comes to  hereditary hair loss as you can start to notice your hair shrinking as early as your teens, but mostly it starts later in life. As a woman, the first sign you will have for hereditary hair loss is the overall thinning of the hair. As a man, you will notice a bald spot at the top of the head.

Are you stressing over hereditary hair loss? You should not because regrowth is possible if treated early. There are some medications available that can help when experiencing hereditary hair loss, such as Minoxidil. You can buy Minoxidil, also known as Rogaine, in a trusted drug store and apply it twice daily on your scalp. Minoxidil is appropriate for both men and women, and by using it as instructed, the results will start to show after four months.

Rapid Weight Loss

Your body is sensitive to nutrient deficiencies. When you experience rapid weight loss, the chances of experiencing hair loss are high. With rapid weight loss, there is a likelihood of calorie restriction and nutrient deficiencies. There is nothing wrong with weight loss, but if you use poorly planned diets like crash diets, you will deny your body essential fatty acids, protein, zinc, and overall calories, which leads to hair loss. You need to know deficient protein diets will lead to less amino acid, and insufficient keratin production, which is the main protein of hair.

What to do when you want to lose weight and still maintain healthy hair? Aim to lose weight in a healthy, manageable manner. It is as simple as that. If you start experiencing hair loss when doing a restrictive diet, it is best to stop the diet immediately and start properly fueling your body with a balanced diet. You need to know if you have a nutrient deficiency; food alone might not be sufficient in hair regrowth as you will need to buy a supplement.

Hormonal Changes And Medical Conditions

You need to know when you are pregnant or after childbirth; you will experience hormonal changes, leading to hair loss. Some medical conditions can cause hair loss, such as Alopecia areata. This medical condition attacks hair follicles. When the hair follicles are attacked, the hair will shrink and not grow; hence you will have bald spots. You need to know when experiencing alopecia; you might experience hair loss on your scalp or the whole body.

However, you need to know some treatments can stimulate hair growth when you have alopecia areata. Such treatment includes injecting steroids such as triamcinolone on the affected areas but in small amounts. A vital thing to note is injecting steroids is best in small areas and not large areas. You might be wondering what if you have large areas affected and need to be treated, right? This is not a problem as you can opt for other treatments like oral steroids, ultraviolet therapy, or immunosuppressives.

Although there is no much you can do to prevent hair loss, you will respond to treatment better when you contact a doctor early. Knowing the cause of your hair loss is essential as it will be easier for you to know the next step to take. You cannot just treat any hair loss with any treatment; if you want better results, you will have to first know what has led to your hair loss.