Choosing the Best Electric Company: 4 Key Factors to Consider

Best Electric Company

The average American home will spend ~2% to 3% of their household income on electricity every year. Depending on where you live and your lifestyle, those percentages could offer greater variance.

Another factor that weighs into not only the cost of your electricity but the quality of service you receive is the electrical provider you do business with.

It may be that your area has two or three provider options to pick from. If you have options, how can you be sure you’re working with the best electric company for your household’s needs?

There are a small handful of factors/considerations you should mull over when deciding on an electrical provider. If you’re curious to know what those factors are, keep reading to find out!

Understand if You Have Options

Some areas are blessed with competition in the electrical market. Others are not.

If your area is serviced by a single provider like TXU Energy or SoCal Edison, unfortunately, you can’t pick another provider to power your home. In these situations, if you don’t want to do business with your only electrical provider, your options will be to move or go “off the grid.”

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Off the grid would constitute using solar, wind, hydro, or propane to power your home and its appliances.

Analyze Prices

For those of you that do have choices, the first factor you’ll want to weigh as you deduce the best electric company in your area will be pricing.

An easy way to gauge how much you’re likely to pay for your electricity is to analyze your company’s price per kilowatt-hour (kWh). The lower that number is, the better.

Before you get too excited about a low kWh, assess if the company you’re considering also charges monthly “service fees” or other charges that would dilute the value they provide through their rates.

Get Selective About Energy Sources

Your electric company plan gets its power somewhere. Does where that somewhere is matter to you?

Several electric companies leverage renewable energy sources to power the homes/businesses they service. Others rely on legacy technologies like coal.

An investment in a company that’s making strides to support the environment could be a win for your conscious and the world.

Dig In to Incentives

The electric companies you’re weighing may reward you for making renewable energy investments. For example, certain companies offer cash rewards if you purchase solar panels or buy an electric car.

If you’re planning on making imminent energy investments, seeking the best electric company that offers rebates on those purchases could mean a hefty payout.

Weigh Your Choices and Pick the Best Electric Company

After looking over prices, energy sources, and incentives, you should be able to make a sound decision on what the best electric company that services your area is. From there, you can get your services hooked up and proceed with powering your house on terms that work for you!

Our team wishes you the best as you analyze energy companies in your community and welcomes you to read more insightful content on our blog for additional business, real estate, and residential tips.

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