How To Catch Cheating Text Message And Deleted Messages

Catch Cheating Text Message

How to catch cheating text message and deleted messages. There are many ways to catch a cheating text message, and all of them are going to vary in terms of success. If you want to catch your cheater as early as possible, then you have to have access to their cell phone. However, it is unlikely. They will let you have free reign over their devices no matter what the circumstance is, so there has got to be some other way that they leave their cell phone lying around or unattended for long periods at a time.

Catch Cheating Through Text Messages

How to catch cheating text message and deleted messages. Catch a cheating wife after seeing their deleted text. If you are going through something similar, don’t worry – you are not alone. Millions of people are going through the same situation almost every day. Honestly, it’s hard to know if your partner is being loyal. However, you can always check their phone to verify your points. Even if they delete their text messages, you can easily retrieve them and see what they want to hide.

Try to recover deleted text from Cheating

Your partner may delete suspicious text if they cheat. Getting your hands on those deleted texts can give you the evidence you need. Recovering deleted text messages on Android and Apple devices usually involves a phone connected to a computer to access a backup. To manually recover deleted texts, messages need to be included in a backup in cloud storage before they can be deleted. There are also free and paid applications that can help you recover deleted text messages. All you need to do is download the software to your computer and plug in the phone using a USB stick.

Use a text spying application

Keeping an eye on your partner’s texting can help you know if they are cheating. Text spying apps will secretly monitor your partner’s device, sending you all their incoming and outgoing text messages. Just download the app to your partner’s phone, enter your account information, and then monitor your partner’s texts by logging in to the app’s website on your computer. mSpy, SpyBubble, and Spyzie are high-rated spy apps that can help you track your partner’s text messages, phone calls, social media, and even their location. These apps can be downloaded for free, but if you sign up for a monthly subscription they offer some additional features.

Remember that it is legal to use a spy app only if you have permission from your partner. Under federal law, you cannot view, read or hear anything on someone else’s device without your consent. Informing your partner about what you are doing may seem counterintuitive, but it will help you avoid legal action and stay ahead of them.

View coded messages on your partner’s phone

Your partner may adopt a text language to hide their tracks. When you see a text with an unknown short name, ask yourself what the context of the text is. Is text flirty? Could the text be a sexual innuendo? Dig into the details and look for contextual clues and remember that you won’t know the whole story unless you talk to your partner. Here are some cheat codes to check out: 

ASL / ASLP: Age / Gender / Location or Age / Gender / Location / Photo. It is usually used as a prelude or for a hook-up.

NSFS: Not suitable for the spouse. This is usually used to warn the texter that the recipient may have problems with their partner in what they have sent.

IRL: In real life. It is often used when people in a virtual relationship want to meet in person.

How to Recover Deleted Messages WhatsApp

Have you deleted some essential WhatsApp discussions, tried to recover some commercially available mobile phones using deleted Messages recovery software but no chance? If you want to recover deleted WhatsApp messages, the only solution available to you is to reinstall the apps and follow the legal process to restore the last one completed by the backup application.

As you probably already know, WhatsApp automatically makes backup copies of all chats. This is done on a daily, weekly or monthly basis (depending on the preferences set by the user) and using one of these backup copies you can restore conversations that now seem to be lost forever. Of course, returning WhatsApp to the previous location will lose all messages received or sent after the backup date … but at the moment I think other messages have a higher priority, right? So let’s ban the chat and see instantly how you will recover all the chats that were deleted by mistake.

Recover deleted WhatsApp messages from Android

Chat version of Android saves backup copies of WhatsApp so in many areas, that is, remember mobile phones, both online Google Drive. After verifying the number, the app will automatically detect the presence of a backup and ask the user if they want to restore it. At this point, all you have to do is press the Return button and all conversations will be back to the state they were on the backup date (so mistakenly deleted messages will be automatically restored).

If you do not understand when the last backup automatically generated by WhatsApp proceeds back, open the application on your mobile phone, press the button (…) located at the top right, and select the item in the menu that appears in the design. On the screen that opens, select Items Chat> Back up chat and check the dates indicated under the heading Last Restore. The last backup date locally and the last backup date stored online must have both Google Drive.

Now, the latest backups in Google Drive If you want to restore the messages now, uninstall the application from your phone, reinstall it and restore the backup from Google Drive after the date: all messages of your interest will be automatically restored (backup Except those received after the date). On the other hand, if the last backup date in Google Drive is after deleting your message of interest, you need to restore “Plan B”, meaning local backups.

With the help of locally saved backups, you can even restore the status of the application to an earlier date that is an automatic backup. All you have to do is enter the folder where WhatsApp saves its backup files, look for one related to the date you want to report the status of the conversation, and rename it so that the app can consider it as the most recent backup to restore.

To be more precise, all you have to do is install a file manager like ES File Manager and use it to access the folder HomeWhatsAppDatabases mobile phone or turn on sdcardWhatsAppDatabases If you use a microSD to expand the memory: there you have a series of names You will get the file msgstore- [info] .1.db.crypt12 instead where the [info] backup has the date of creation. If you do not know how to get to the route I just indicated, press the announcement icon.

At this point, look for the backup file to use in WhatsApp and rename it msgstore.db.crypt12. If the file with the same name already exists in the folder (this should be the most recent backup created by the application), delete it or rename it otherwise. To rename or delete a file using ES File Manager, simply press your finger on its icon and press the appropriate button shown below.

When the operation is over, you can proceed to delete WhatsApp from your mobile phone. Uninstall the apps from the phone, an ES File Explorer message appears asking you. if you want to delete the remaining files WhatsApp Messenger is your mobile. From all phones, please refuse, otherwise the backup you need to restore will also be deleted.

Now first reinstall WhatsApp and restore chats, removing the connection between Google Drive and WhatsApp. That way, the app will search for backups directly to mobile memory and not try to recover conversations from the cloud. To do this, open Google Settings (the gear icon on the screen with a list of apps installed on the phone), select the item the attached app screen that opens, and first press the icon WhatsApp and then the Disconnect button. Alternatively, link to this web page and remove WhatsApp from the applications associated with your Google Account.

That’s it! Now open the Play Store, reinstall WhatsApp Messenger, follow the app’s initial setup procedure, and perform a previously named backup recovery. 


There is a way to catch cheating text messages and deleted items. You just need to know how to retrieve deleted SMS on iPhone X/8/7, etc. without backup in iOS 11. That’s because of the new technology that makes it possible to recover data from iPhone after updating or restoring using iTunes or iCloud backup. There is a way out and if you contact us or you can mail us at info@ , we will help you find the proof of your partner’s infidelity without breaking the trust between both of you. Let us show you how to catch cheating text messages and deleted messages with our professional software.