Protect Your Workers With These 3 Work Safety Tips

Protect Your Workers With These 3 Work Safety Tips

Private industry workers suffered from at least 2.8 million nonfatal injuries/illnesses in 2018 alone. Learning about safety tips for the workplace will prevent accidents from happening in your work environment.

Your employees are part of your brand. How you treat your employees affects your brand image. As such, prioritizing safety will reduce workplace risks and improve your brand image simultaneously.

Here are three tips for workplace safety.

  1. Know Your Workplace and Its Hazards

Knowing your workplace and its risks is one of the most essential tips for a safe workplace. In fact, knowing the risks that workers face daily is the first step to safety success.

Your workers know the workplace and its conditions better than anyone else. That’s why it’s crucial to encourage communication between workers and supervisors regarding safety at work. 

Encourage work safety conversations by throwing a contest to see who can come up with the best safety/risk reduction suggestions. It’ll give you more ideas to increase the safety of your workplace. Also, don’t forget to give the winner(s) a nice prize!

  1. Label Hazards and Enforce Safety Equipment

Labeling all settings and conditions where safety hazards are likely to occur is another one of the most important workplace safety tips. This tip alone could prevent everything from slips and falls to cuts and broken bones.

Change the locations of the signs so the workers don’t get too used to them being there. Changing safety signs’ locations every few weeks or so makes workers more cognizant of the signs and their meanings.

For instance, put a “Keep This Pathway Clear” sign near your fire exits and other emergency exits. Slightly change the sign’s location every now and then to keep your workers alert to it.

Wearing safety equipment consistently and properly also reduces the risk of injuries and complications. Always enforce wearing safety equipment as a hard rule that no one may break. Replacing the safety equipment as needed also ensures your workers are well-equipped to do their jobs.

  1. Operational Risk Management

Operational Risk Management is the most professional way to assess your workplace for risks. The process, which occurs on a continual and cyclical basis, includes risk assessment, risk decision-making, and implementing risk controls. The end results are acceptance, mitigation, or risk avoidance.

The goals of Operational Risk Management are to mitigate operational, financial, and compliance risks through policies, procedures, and systems. This involves analyzing factors such as internal processes, external events, and even human factors in the workplace. 

Operational Risk Management is complicated and multipronged, but well worth the effort. Feel free to learn more about Operational Risk Management via the aforementioned link. It’ll make your workplace safer than anything else will.

Be a Good Boss: Use Our Safety Tips for the Workplace

A worker is injured on the job every 7 seconds in the United States. As a boss, it’s your job to enforce important safety tips for the workplace that we mentioned above to help prevent these accidents. 

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