What You Need to know to Build a Chatbot?

Build a Chatbot

Learn how to build a chatbot using a chatbot builder or using python. We have provided easy to follow steps.

Whether you run a small or a big business, customers are the most important part of your daily operation. If you want to attract new customers and keep the ones you already have, it is advisable to prioritize customer satisfaction in your business. One way to ensure your clients are satisfied is instant customer service, especially when inquiring about your services or products. Using technology such as chatbots is one way to provide reliable customer services for your clients.

Functions of Chatbots

Also known as chatterbots, chatbots are a form of artificial intelligence that simulates human conversation through voice commands and texts. This technology is designed to interact with customers as a human would do. Additionally, these chatbots are way cheaper to use compared to hiring a human to do the job. If you want to improve the customer experience while promoting your products and services, build a chatbot for your business.

If you have wondered how you can create a simple chatbot from scratch, you have come to the right place. When creating a chatbot, you can use a chatbot builder or learn to do it in python if you are a programmer. However, you need to visit Smart Tribune before you build a chatbot.

How to Build a Chatbot from Scratch

Here is a step-by-step process to develop a chatbot for your business.

Determine the Type of Chatbot You Want to Build

Before you start building your chatbot, it is good to identify the type you are building. To determine the right chatbot for your business, you must answer questions like ;

  • Why do you need the chatbot?
  • What do you intend to achieve using the chatbot?

Once you answer these questions, it would be easier to choose the best chatbot for your business. A rule-based chatbot is one of the best options for your business as it may have predefined answers or be AI-enabled, allowing it to learn from user input.

Choose a Channel

Once you choose the type, the next step is following your prospects and making the chatbot available on the platform that your customers are comfortable using. You can host your chatbot on a standalone mobile app or another social media platform such as Facebook Messenger, depending on your prospects and those of your clients. Additionally, it is possible to host the chatbot on multiple channels.

Select the Technology stack

Once you decide on your target platform, the next step is to choose your chatbot’s technology stack. There are plenty of frameworks that you can choose from today, depending on factors such as the level of your skills, availability of non-proprietary and third-party libraries. When choosing a technology stack, it is important to consider is ensuring that you pick a library or SDK that integrates well with your already existing software systems.

Conversation Workflow Design

Designing the conversation flow is the next step after choosing the best technology stack. When designing the conversation workflow for your chatbot, ensure you consider the bot’s goals, the target users and the topics. It can be challenging to build a highly functional chatbot without considering these main elements.

Training, Testing and Deploying the Chatbot

Once you have completed designing the conversation workflow, your bot is almost complete. The next step is to train it. You do not need to train your chatbot if you designed a simple one using basic rules. However, training on a massive data set is essential if it uses artificial intelligence, like many chatterbots today.

After training your chatbot, the next step is to test it. Like any other software, you need to test your chatbot before deploying. If it works perfectly, you can proceed to the final step, deploying the chatbot. When deploying your chatbot, ensure that it integrates with the entire infrastructure by connecting all the endpoints.


A chatbot can significantly improve customer experiences in both big and small businesses. You may need several months to building a full-fledged chatbot that uses AI, but, with these steps, you can significantly make the process faster.