Benefits and Advantages of Attending Phonics Class in Singapore

Phonics Class in Singapore

As a parent, one of the essential things in life is to see your kid succeed in school and life, and developing strong reading skills is a crucial step in this direction. The same goes for teachers. According to the Department of Education, phonics classes can aid children’s cultural, sociological, and emotional growth from a young age. Teaching phonics can turn out to be the best strategy to help kids learn to read and can help them build a solid foundation for success.

The article covers some of the top advantages of enrolling children in phonics classes in Singapore.

Benefits of Attending Phonics Class

Living in Singapore necessitates the need for good reading skills. So it is essential to grasp the pronunciation of English letters and comprehend how they function together to read English properly and have great communication abilities. Students living in Singapore can establish a strong foundation that helps them in the following ways by studying to connect sounds to clusters of letters using phonics:

Reading Activates the Brain Functionality

Reading is a complex cognitive process that develops new neural connections in the brain, which increases a young reader’s intelligence. Phonics class in Singapore allows children to read letters printed on a page, which also gives them the means to comprehend them. Beyond writing and reading, it aids in the development of general thinking abilities in kids, including probabilistic reasoning and analogous reasoning.

It improves the performance of reading in children.

The adage “practice makes perfect” applies to phonics because it is a crucial tool for helping kids become fluent readers. Children can eventually become competent readers by swiftly identifying familiar words effortlessly and pronouncing new sound words they encounter easily.

Reading enables faster recognition of sound as a symbol.

When a child learns to read using phonics, they develop exceptional phonemic awareness and the potential to hear, recognize, and interpret letter symbols about their respective sounds.

Reading improves a child’s patience and concentration.

Usually, when reading, a student must sit calmly and silently to concentrate on the task at hand properly. Adhering to these habits improves students’ concentration and patience levels. 

Reading improves one’s command of language and vocabulary.

Children who read a lot expand their vocabulary and basic knowledge. With phonics, young readers can improve their reading proficiency and learn to decipher new words as they read. With repetition, this activity becomes so reflexive that children can easily comprehend words’ underlying meanings.

Children that receive phonics education are more imaginative and empathic.

Children start to envision how they might feel as they improve their reading abilities and learn about people, regions, and events that are not part of their own experience. They have new perspectives on the world and can better picture the details in the books they read.

It’s easier to understand unfamiliar words.

Donald R. Bear, Shane Templeton, Marcia Invernizzi, and Francine Johnson, writers of “Words Their Way,” state that teaching phonics enables pupils to recognize word patterns and connect them for smoother reading. Unfamiliar words are simpler for kids to decipher as their phonemic awareness grows.

Children Learn Phonemic Structure 

Learning phonics helps students become more used to phonemic structure. For instance, comprehending that a closed vowel will complete in a consonant and have a short vowel, while an open vowel ends in a vowel that generates a long sound. Through phonics teaching, English structures become clearer and simpler to understand.

The learning process is enjoyable.

Phonics instruction is frequently made to be enjoyable and interesting for kids. For example, teachers in phonics classes frequently use games and images that go well with the lessons. These make the learning atmosphere more fun for children. This strategy aims to make learning more interesting and ultimately leads to better overall growth in reading and writing abilities.

Prepares Children for Higher Level Reading Skills

Children learn to read more actively through phonics instruction, which helps them succeed in English and other disciplines. Across their education, children can better understand other kinds of knowledge.

So give your kids a leg up on their reading, writing, and spelling. Phonics can help youngsters confidently and more productively develop their linguistic skills by giving them these essential success-building tools.


Of course, each child is a unique person with a unique learning style. Phonics education is an approach towards a comprehensive, well-rounded reading curriculum that promotes visual learners to recognize whole words by sight and provides an opportunity for in-depth reading and creative writing. So why are you still waiting? You can enroll your child in the top phonics class in Singapore after receiving comprehensive information about the classes available in Singapore. The phonics class in Singapore introduces programmers to remove the barrier of illiteracy and nurture a lifelong love of reading to close the literacy gap for incoming second graders.

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