Adult Electric Scooter Maintenance: Tips to Keep Your E-Scooter in Great Shape

Adult Electric Scooter

So you love your new electric scooter so much you wish you could keep it forever. Unfortunately, cleaning it may not be enough to protect it against the elements and keep it in tip-top shape for a long time. Since electric scooters are “electric,” you cannot just dowse it with a pressure washer and let its batteries dry out–that’s a recipe for disaster! Instead, you need to flex your muscles every now and then and inspect its parts to make sure they’re always in great shape.

If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves, here are the ways you can take care of your e-scooter from iScoot, the home of the best electric scooter for adults:

Protect it from the elements

Whenever possible, make sure that your electric scooter is not regularly exposed to heavy rain or extreme temperatures. As you may know, your e-scooter is made up of electrical components that are not very compatible with inclement weather. Although there are e-scooters with high IP ratings—which means they are more waterproof than other models—even manufacturers advise that you avoid using your electric scooter in the rain.

Check and inflate your tires regularly

Keeping an eye on your tires is just as important with electric scooters as it is with cars. Why? Well, to say that under-inflated e-scooter tires can significantly affect your e-scooter’s handling capability would be an understatement. When you run with your tires under-inflated, the range of your e-scooter significantly plunges, and pinholes are more likely to occur. Not only that—without giving your tires a regular checkup, the rubber may vanish over time without you even knowing!

Take good care of its batteries

When you shopped for an electric scooter, you probably discovered that every e-scooter battery has a unique amount of cycle that represents its life. Regardless of your battery’s cycle, it is imperative that you know how to deal with your battery so you can take full advantage of it. One common reason why some batteries do not last long is that some e-scooter owners keep their e-rides in places with extreme temperatures or don’t unplug their batteries as soon as they are full. Some even wait for their batteries to run out entirely before charging them! Never do that—unless you want your battery to get internal oxidation and have a shorter life.

Check your brakes regularly

When you have an e-scooter with a reliable set of brakes, you can zoom around the city knowing you are safe from accidents. In fact, it might just be the only difference between a close call and a hospital surgery! To ensure that you can count on your brakes during an imminent fall or collision, always make sure that they are working properly through regular inspections. You know, your brakes are among the components of your e-scooter that easily wear out with time. If you don’t pay attention to the condition of your brakes, you are laying your life on the line. During an inspection, you may need to adjust your brakes and clamping mechanism or do a pre-ride check to see if it’s time to buy new brake pads.

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