4 Subjects Every Parent Must Talk to Their Teen About

talk to their teen about

There are plenty of topics that teens would rather not talk to their parents about (and vice versa!), but broaching these tricky issues is essential. By talking your kids about the important things, you can ensure that they get the right information and that it’s delivered in an age-appropriate way. For inspiration, take a look at these four subjects every parent must talk to their teen about:

Drink Driving

Most teens can’t wait to complete Driver’s Ed and get behind the wheel, but young drivers have a statistically high risk of sustaining injuries or being killed while on the road. Drink driving, in particular, can be a significant issue amongst young people and it leads to catastrophic consequences. Educate your teens about alcohol and the impact it has on your ability to function safely, so that they understand why they should never drive after consuming alcohol and why they should never get into a vehicle that’s being driven by a drunk driver. 

Bullying and Hazing

No-one likes to imagine that their child is being bullied or that their child is the person doing the bullying. However, bullying is major issue amongst children and teens, and it’s far more common than you might think. Help your teen to understand the serious impact that bullying can have and make it easy for them to confide in you if they’re the victim of bullying. 

Additionally, teach your kids about the legal and practical consequences that can follow. If a child is the victim of a hazing ritual, for example, they could claim compensation for sports abuse with Romanucci & Blandin. Furthermore, criminal charges can be brought when bullying occurs. 

Consent and Relationships

Today’s teens are exposed to a variety of information online and in real life, which is one of the reasons that parents must be open, honest, and approachable. By talking to your teens about sex, consent and relationships, you can dispel the myths and provide them with the facts. Asking teens what consent really means or how you can determine consent can be a good place to start and it will give you an insight into how your child is maturing and what support they need during this time. 

Mental Health

Anyone can experience mental health issues, but many people feel unable or unwilling to confide in someone when they’re feeling low. It’s not uncommon for teens to experience depression, anxiety or low self-esteem, but it’s vital that they access help for these feelings. Helping your teen to recognize the importance of self-care and championing their emotional well-being will help them to understand how and why it’s so important to protect one’s mental health. 

How to Talk to Teens

No matter how well-meaning you are, it can be tough to get your teens to open up. If your teen isn’t receptive to your efforts, be patient and keep trying. Sometimes, teens will be more likely to talk about tough topics when they’re not the center of attention, so try broaching these topics when you’re in the car or watching TV. With a little less pressure and open line of communications, you can ensure that your teen feels able to talk to you when they’re ready.