3 Types of Virtual Conference Platforms

Virtual Conference Platforms
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In the absence of in-person meetings, everyone from private organizations to government authorities navigated the pandemic by using virtual conference platforms. Having proven their utility for meetings, webinars, press conferences, and corporate training, to mention a few, virtual conference platforms have now become a crucial communication tool.

Over the last two years, virtual conference platforms have seen exceptionally high rates of adoption. The numbers reveal how crucial virtual conference platforms have become. In 2020 March, there were 62 million downloads of virtual event software. In the US, the virtual conferencing industry is poised to become a $10.92 billion industry by 2027.

What is a Virtual Conference Platform?

A virtual conference platform is a digital solution that facilitates virtual events. Using virtual conference software, participants can take part in an event from any location. While the earlier versions of virtual event software required additional hardware, the modern platforms are exceptionally easy to use.

Using the best virtual event platforms, organizations can hold a variety of events. These include internal company meetings, town halls with employees from different locations, industry meets, product launches, press conferences, webinars, and training sessions. There are three main types of virtual conference platforms. These include telepresence, integrated, and desktop software.


One of the most common kinds of virtual conferencing software is telepresence. The idea behind it is to bring together different participants and facilitate meetings as seamlessly and realistically as possible. The reason why telepresence is popular is that it’s exceptionally easy to set up.

With cameras at eye levels and large screens, telepresence can almost give the impression of the virtual participants are sitting next to each other. Considering its ease of use and smooth functioning, intra-organizational conferences usually happen over telepresence.


Whereas telepresence is designed to connect individuals, integrated virtual conference platforms connect groups of people. Such software needs a central hub to connect all the other hardware and codecs. In an integrated solution, displays, cameras, and accessories would be in the main room.

Groups that wish to take part in a virtual conference would have to be in this room. From here, the hardware and software would connect them to those outside.


A virtual conference platform made for those on the go, the desktop version is the most popular one used by professionals now. This can come in two forms; either as a hardware codec, which also doubles as a monitor, or software installed on an individual’s computer.

Desktop software decentralizes the platform and makes it a part of every employee’s computer. So, anyone with the software and access can log into a meeting seamlessly from anywhere.

Advantages of Hosting on a Virtual Conference Platform

Save Resources with Logistics

When you host on a virtual conference platform, you would need the software and at times, the hardware. What don’t you need? All the costs associated with holding a live event. These extend from travel to accommodation to catering and infrastructure.

There’s also the cost associated with personnel who would have to supervise a live event. Since participants don’t waste time on needless travel, there is no loss of man-hours either.

Increase Your Audience

The biggest benefit of using a virtual conference platform is that it removes barriers. What would have been an intra-office training for employees can now become a worldwide training session for workers on different continents.

For the attendees, geographical limitations become meaningless. A student in Maui can attend an online class from the UK and then participate in group discussions with students from all over the world.

In short

Virtual conference platforms haven’t become just a substitute for real-life events. They have become value-added, feature-rich versions of in-person events. With multiple forms of content delivery, audience engagement, and real-time interaction, the best virtual conference platforms elevate event experiences for speakers, participants, and organizers.