10 Ways to Save Energy at Home and Minimize Your Electricity Bill!

Electricity Bill

If you’ve recently been hit with a massive energy bill, the main question in your head will be how to save energy at home. 

Don’t worry! 

High energy consumption is not something you have to accept. You can make many small and large changes to your lifestyle to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint while saving on electricity bills as well. 

Here are ten ways you can save energy at home and give your wallet some much-needed relief:

Use Solar Powered Air Conditioners and Other Solar Powered Appliances

One of the most environmentally friendly sources of energy is the sun itself. Sun rays can be converted into electricity and used to power your electric appliances. Switching to solar-powered devices can dramatically reduce your energy consumption. 

Air conditioning and heating use a whopping 46% of your total energy consumption. Imagine how much you can save by switching to a solar-powered AC unit! While solar air conditioners often have a high upfront cost, they can save you big bucks in the long run hence worth the investment. 

Make Your Home Smarter!

Using smart home devices can also help save energy at home. Investing in smart home devices such as smart lighting systems, smart plugs, smart coffee makers will lower your electricity bill and save energy. 

Some smart home devices can automatically turn off lights when the room is empty. Others, such as smart AC controllers, can turn off air conditioners after a specific period, track usage, and remind you to change air filters. 

Switch to More Energy Efficient Appliances

Many modern appliances are a lot more energy efficient than their old counterparts. If you’ve been using a refrigerator, air conditioner, dryer, etc., for longer than a decade, it may be outdated concerning energy efficiency. Simply switching to newer models will significantly affect your energy consumption. If you decide to buy a newer model, look for the one certified by energy star

Turn Off Lights When Leaving a Room

Many people forget to turn off lights when leaving a room. If this is something you only do occasionally, it doesn’t make much of a difference to your overall energy consumption. However, if you’re leaving your lights on every time you leave the room, your electricity bill will soon reach an absurd amount. Make it a point to turn off the lights every time you leave the room. You may even have to set reminders on your phone for the first few days; however, turning off the lights will soon become second nature. 

If this sounds like a hectic and forgetful task, you can switch to smart lighting that’ll not need to be turned on/off manually. 

Use LED Lights

While LED lights are a bit expensive, they make up for it by being much more energy-efficient than halogen bulbs. Moreover, LED bulbs also need to be replaced less frequently. They can last up to 25,000 hours and use 80% less energy than halogen bulbs, making them a no-brainer for environmentally conscious homeowners. 

Unplug Devices That You Are Not Using

Whether it’s your hair straightener or your iron, make a habit of turning off appliances when you’re done using them. Appliances on standby are one of the most significant sources of energy wastage. Even if you’re not using an appliance, it’s steadily guzzling energy if plugged in. 

Double Glaze Your Windows

Heating and cooling use up the most energy in a typical household. Unfortunately, windows are a significant source of energy wastage. Much of the energy you use to heat or cool your home is lost through windows. Simply switching to double-paned windows will prevent energy wastage and reduce the amount of time you need to turn on your air conditioner or heat pump. 

Wash Your Clothes With Cold Water

Heating water uses a considerable amount of energy. If you want to save energy at home, one of the best ways is to reduce the amount of hot water you consume. Simply setting your washing machine to use cold water instead of hot water can save a lot of energy and reduce your electricity bill. 

Make Use of the Sun When Drying Your Clothes

Dryers use an excessive amount of energy. A simple energy-saving technique is only to use your dryer on cold days. On sunny days, utilize the sun’s warmth and dry your clothes outside. 

Make Sure Your Dishwasher Is Fully Loaded Before Using It

Rather than turning on your dishwasher after every meal or snack, wait till it is fully loaded. Turning on your dishwasher for a few dishes is a massive waste of energy. After you’ve finished a meal, place your dishes inside and wait till the next meal. Only turn it on once it has no space for extra dishes.

These ten simple steps can make a massive difference to your daily energy consumption. Not only will you save some serious cash, but you can also rest easy knowing that you’re playing your part for the environment by reducing your carbon footprint!