Why Are Video Production Services a Staple of High-Quality Digital Marketing

Video Production Services

The American economy is in a broad process of evolution, which translates into a growing number of companies facing increasing competition in their field of activity. In order to make their services known to their target audience, many of them have to increase their digital marketing efforts and invest in the quality of the products or services they offer. Turning to a company specializing in video production services could be one of the most inspired decisions for the progressive growth of your business in search engine analytics data. The increase in profitability recorded after the creation of a video advertising campaign could be essential to the long-term success of your firm, and the branding strategy adopted now could make you an authority in your industry.

A video agency could work with your company to create full-length commercials that feature the products or services you market. Or it could provide insights into the market metrics of your brand. A professional video production services company will employ experienced specialists with the resources to bring your vision to life, and their marketing insights could be crucial to creating a long-term strategy that competes with your competitors. But what are the stages of video production? And what tools will a company use to put your vision on film? We propose finding out the answers to these questions and more in the following pages.

It All Starts with a Concept

Approximately 59% of all companies have a video strategy for the products or services they market. And the reasons are apparent. Video production is a valuable and versatile tool that can be tailored to the needs of any business and can easily attract the attention of target audiences. But video production has several distinct stages, each of which presents its own set of challenges. The first stage is the pre-production, where the director will show and adapt the broad concepts necessary for the next steps. In this stage, the employed firm will create a script for the desired commercial, hire the actors who will appear in the spot, get the necessary permits to film in specific locations, and identify the needs and expectations of the audience you want to attract.

The video shoot is the side of video production that is most familiar to most people and is also one of the most complicated stages. Only one director and one videographer may be needed for the most fundamental filming sessions. But for elaborate productions where several shooting locations are required, then the crew employed by a company specialized in video production services will consist of a director, a sound engineer, an assistant director, a producer, one or more videographers who are also lighting specialists, plus of course the actors, who were recruited in the pre-production stage. The video agency you call upon will ensure the commercial’s actual shooting will be carried out in the best conditions. However, your final vision will only come to light in post-production.

Editing is Like Magic


The post-production stage is, in many ways, the most critical phase of the video production process. The professional video agency you call upon will have various software tools at their disposal that they can use to bring your vision to life. For editing your footage, they may use professional video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve. For correcting individual frames, they might utilize GIMP or Photoshop, while for sound design, they could rely on Logic Pro or Adobe Audition.

Depending on the complexity of the script and the shooting conditions, the video agency you call upon may also use programs such as Blender or Adobe After Effects to create animations or 3D models that will change your target audience’s perception of your brand’s overall image. Visual effects are an essential part of video productions, and their practical implementation is an art that could be synonymous with the success of the strategies you try.

The post-production stage will most likely require more than one person to collaborate simultaneously, so the video production services company you call will probably use tools such as Basecamp or Asana to facilitate access and transfer of video or audio files between departments. After the post-production stage is finished, the completed file will be sent to you, and if it is approved, it will then be distributed to all relevant channels for your business.

Film in Different Locations

As any professional video agency will tell you, one of the safest ways to ensure the success of your video production is to shoot in multiple locations. Visual variety can allow you to give your digital production different characteristics that will make your product or services more appealing to your target audience. Filming in multiple locations can be synonymous with complex storytelling, promoting your company to audiences in various cities, and last but not least, it might be cheaper. Are you, for example, a company active in New York and want to film a commercial in front of an iconic location like Central Park? Then the shooting permits you’ll need will engulf a large part of your video production budget.

But if you were to shoot more footage in lesser-known spots in the city, then the quality of the final product could be just as impressive, and the final costs could be lower. Multiple shooting locations could boost the value of the video production and increase the chances of your advertisement attracting audience attention in cities where your company is active. Are you the manager of a business operating offices in Austin, Los Angeles, and Seattle? Then instead of filming three different commercials for each of these cities, you could make one, incorporating shooting locations from all three. It would be a cost-effective measure, which ultimately could lead to equally relevant results for your brand.

Smart Advertising Denotes Professionalism

The long-term success of your company will be closely linked to the digital marketing strategies implemented. Calling on a company specializing in video production services could help you create a brand identity for your company that appeals to your target audience. A video agency will have all the resources you need to create a product ad that is in tune with your vision, and its expertise could help you gain new insight into your business.

But more than anything else, turning to a video production agency will result in increased profitability. In the business world, time is money, and using the services of a third party for your digital marketing needs could free you up from your schedule and allow you to invest your creativity in the departments of your business that can benefit from your expertise. A video production agency can be a partner that will lead your company to the level it deserves, and its support could be synonymous with the gradual increase in profitability associated with improved visibility in the SERPs.