Making the Choice Between Jira Software vs Asana Project Management

Jira software vs Asana project management

Businesses are often unable to choose between two tools and they have to rely on popular opinion or user reviews to reach a decision. This article includes a detailed discussion on Jira software vs Asana project management to help put the debate to rest. By reading about the key features included in both platforms and comparing them in terms of pricing, integration, and customer support, it will be easier for users to make a choice. It also explains who the ideal users for Asana and Jira are to give the readers some perspective.


Asana software is a popular web-based project management solution that is offered to users as a SaaS application. It is a flexible platform that can allow businesses to track important activities and assign them to various departments. Asana has been developed with the sole purpose of helping companies of all shapes and sizes collaborate on their plans.

The platform works fast, supports innovation, and has a user interface that provides a comfortable work environment for users. The categorized features also make navigation a lot easier and helps prioritize applications too. These robust characteristics make it an attractive option to many businesses. Asana has free and paid versions available and it is directly accessible through the web browser or smartphone application.

It is important to remember when comparing Jira software vs Asana project management that Asana’s most unique selling point is its simplicity. Once users overcome the learning curve they will realize the software is intuitive and a great project management partner.

Key Features 

Customized Dashboards

Asana offers users customizable dashboards that can be edited according to the preferences of an organization. The users can track the progress of each project with ease because it displays the status on the homepage. 

Multiple Views

Asana is known for its unique viewing options and it offers users a priority list for how they want to see their notifications. It sends automatic alerts and also has the option to apply multiple filters when browsing. Users can exploit the Asana calendar to their advantage and schedule tasks according to their importance and due date.


Project data is supposed to be confidential and Asana understands that. It maintains the highest security protocols and also protects users from external attackers. The software seamlessly integrates with other platforms and can connect with a variety of third-party applications.


Jira is a cloud-based project management software that is known for its issue tracking and management options. The software is especially useful when it comes to Agile methodologies and is the ideal model for software development. The subscription-based service supports teams and helps them achieve a common goal. There is a backlog for planning or product delivery through which users can track the project progress. 

In terms of management, the Jira software vs Asana project management comparison needs to account for its tracking abilities. Users can generate performance reports and follow the progress through a comprehensive bug-tracking system. They can also use predefined templates for the entire software development lifecycle and customize the features according to the needs of their business.

Key Features 


Jira includes security settings that allow only specific users access to the bug tracker and these are team members who have permission to work on it. There are also default authorization modes that verify the identity of a user before they can proceed.


All relevant information is represented in an engaging format and these reports allow users to gain insights into the project. They summarize multiple project statistics from the initial phase to the final product delivery. All maintenance information and security details are mentioned in the final reports.

Task Control

Jira project management not only allows users to keep track of the project but they can also use the tracker to maintain control over it. The customized version of SQL includes filters that browse through several issues and evaluate based on multiple criteria. There is also a drag-and-drop feature that makes the experience hassle-free and creates a backlog of sprints. 

Jira Software vs Asana Project Management 


Asana has four different plans available i.e. free, premium, business, and enterprise. The premium version starts at $10.99 per month but the total cost depends on the size of the team. Users can customize their subscriptions and add more services according to their preferences.

Jira has similar pricing tiers but is cheaper than Asana. Teams can use Jira for free or pay somewhere between $7-$14 per month. The advantage of using Jira is that the free version includes most of its key features and allows teams of up to 10 people. 

Software Integration

Asana software can support more than 150 software integrations and connects seamlessly with tools such as Adobe, Slack, Salesforce, and more. All the necessary integrations are included in Asana and those who are not satisfied can build their own using the custom scripts provided by the vendor.

Jira is a lot more flexible in terms of integrations and has more than 250 add-ons or extensions included in the software. It wins the debate when it comes to this area.

Customer Support

Asana has straightforward documentation and it uses a ticket-based customer support system for small complaints. Technical support is available to all users even those on the free plan. There are no telephone helplines but an email address is available to reach out to the team.

Jira project management provides strong customer support and also uses a ticket-based system. However, what sets it apart from Asana is that the option is only available to users on paid plans. Jira also provides documentation but it can be difficult to read for those unfamiliar with Agile principles. Jira does not offer a telephone helpline to customers either. 


The final verdict in the Jira software vs Asana project management debate has to be a tie. Both software provides users with ways to innovate and improve the quality of their output. Data analysis plays a major role in project management and with the help of either Jira or Asana teams can make the most of their experience.

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