Understanding the Complex SEO Challenges Faced by an E-commerce Website

Understanding the Complex SEO Challenges Faced by an E-commerce Website

Numerous SEO challenges could be encountered by e-commerce businesses today. The challenges and issues seem to depend on precisely what kind of website a business is running. In this context, you must realize that for an e-commerce site, things could go wrong quite easily. Most businesses are depending on web analytics, in terms of, online marketing for determining what was effective and what had flopped. Their findings impact their future decisions regarding precisely where to devote their resources, time, and energy. We understand that even drastic decisions such as replacing an SEO agency or SEO consultant, firing internal staff, or some other vital SEO decisions are all made according to the data provided by the stats package. Let us explore some search engine optimization challenges faced by e-commerce businesses.

Challenge: Your Market & Google Are Dynamic

Your target market and Google are dynamic, and things keep changing with time. Most businesses are keen on gaining market share and fruitful results. They must keep in mind that they cannot own their SERP rankings or retain forever the steady traffic coming to their website. Everything seems to be dynamic and fluid. As per https://thenextweb.com, SEO seems to change every time Google goes about tweaking its algorithm. For gaining a competitive edge, you have to stay abreast with the latest developments and the SEO challenges faced by your business and by the specific industry. 

All e-commerce businesses should learn to tackle and cope with a consistently changing environment. Businesses should adapt themselves to evolving technologies, behavioral changes dominating your precise market, shifting algorithms of Google, and new devices & apps, etc. In the event, your e-commerce site got an impressive ranking and attracted huge organic traffic the past year; it doesn’t necessarily imply that this satisfying situation would be continuing through to the next year as well. If you do not chalk out a stratagem for defending last year’s results and a stringent plan for combating fresh competition, you cannot expect to witness upward trends specifically in Google Analytics. Here are some things to remember if you wish to tackle the challenges:

  • SEO is not about clicking and installing. You simply cannot start focusing on SEO and then completely forget about it. You cannot just leave your SEO as it is. It is a consistent process.
  • SEO stratagems are supposed to be in continuous flux. Remember all methods and tricks of the previous year may not work successfully. Your tactics might necessitate fine-tuning, or you may opt for a complete makeover.

Challenge: Writing a Robust & Enticing Product Description

You may encounter several issues that may hamper your efforts at creating a robust and impressive product description on your website. Usually, an e-commerce site would be having an extensive inventory. There could be thousands of products that may be automated to a specific extent. All this could culminate in poor quality SEO in terms of content and offering great value to the reader.

Search engines, for instance, would be coming across very little or almost negligible unique content for crawling. Hence, with numerous pages for crawling and ranking, no new content would mean zero SEO exposure. As per reports, top-ranking pages on Google’s search engine rankings page or SERP usually are having 1890 words as an average content length.

If you wish to gain success and a higher SEO ranking, your e-commerce business must focus its attention on updating product information. Keep working on identifying and eliminating duplicate content and generating unique content for your products online or you can take a help digital agency in Toronto.

Challenge: Generating High-Quality Content

Your site’s content should be unique, authentic, and of superior quality. After the release of Google’s ground-breaking Panda Algorithm, there has been a dramatic rise in the need for top-quality content. You must have original content that is easy to read and easy to understand. 

Challenge: Achieving Optimum Loading Speed

Website loading speed seems to be of pivotal importance. Painfully slow loading speed seems to be one of the vital reasons why visitors bounce off a website or abandon their cart. In the event, you are responsible for managing an e-commerce site; you must give top priority to boost your site’s loading speed.

Web browsers are forever in a rush and for them, every second and every minute counts. If your website takes a longer time to load, you would experience a relatively higher bounce rate and lower conversion rate. Your site loading speed should be between a couple of seconds and a maximum of 3 seconds. You would be losing your potential customers if your site takes more than 3 seconds to load. That would certainly imply lost revenues. 

Challenge: Frequent Changes & Tweaks on the SERPs

The search engine results page goes through frequent changes. Google has been promoting universal or vertical search and giving more importance to its products in comparison to organic search results that are gradually pushed down further. You need to focus on multiple factors. You must be realistic and practical in your expectations. Even if your business has gained very little or negligible growth, there is no reason to despair. The fact that you could retain traffic despite so many tweaks and changes seems to be a praiseworthy accomplishment.

Challenge: No Room for Quick Fixes

There is no scope for quick fixes. Band-Aid search engine optimization techniques do not work anymore. Your site could get banned straightaway from Google for trying to make quick fixes. It is a good idea to stick firmly to SEO best practices for emerging as a winner in the long run. As they say, ‘there are no shortcuts to success.’ this applies totally to the SEO scenario.


The SEO landscape is full of challenges and many more are coming up in 2021. That is the reason for you to know whether you are examining the right data just before you start planning and chalking out the budget for your business in the coming year. You need to be aware of the above-discussed SEO challenges. Moreover, it pays to stay diligent in exploring deep into the available data so that you could come to the right decision for boosting your business’s SEO.