Things To Know About Who Paid The Largest Criminal Fine In History

Criminal Fine In History
Credit: CSO online

A lot of people are asking, who paid the largest criminal fine in history. Well, Pfizer is one of the many companies that hit the multi-billion dollar criminal fines recently. However, do you know about the company that paid the highest amount? 

So, it’s worth noting that there are several companies in the market that caters to different fields, such as finance, healthcare, oil, technology, etc. Criminal fines are increasing every day. So, if you want to know who paid the largest criminal fine in history and why then you are at the right place. In this article, we shall take a look at some of the amazing facts about it. 

Who Paid The Largest Criminal Fine In History?

Largest Criminal Fine In History
Credit: REcording Law

According to many sources, it was Pfizer who paid the largest criminal fine in history. It’s a pharma company that fell foul of US regulations in the year 2009. However, there are a lot of other companies apart from Pfizer that paid hefty bucks as fine too. 


Let’s talk about Tepco, or Tokyo Electric power co first. It’s a company, that the sources tell us, paid around 330 billion euros in compensation to victims of the Fukushima disaster of 2011. So, a lot of people may know about the devastating aftermath of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. 

It was because of that, the meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant also occurred in Japan. As per the sources, it was the most severe nuclear disaster since Chornobyl’s incident in 1986. Following that, Tepco had to compensate a large amount of money. In fact, there are records that tell us that it was due to the negligence of the staff that this incident occurred in the first place. 

British Petroleum

BP or British Petroleum is the next on our list for a company that paid a large amount of criminal fine in history. If you are curious about who paid the largest criminal fine in history, then no, this company is not the answer. 

However, they also had to dish out 2.9 billion euros in 2012 for the deepwater horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. However, the compensation process included around 47 billion euros. So, the sources tell us that it was one of the worst incidents to occur. This incident resulted in 11 deaths and a criminal fine of over 4.5 billion dollars. 

Bank Of America

There’s another company that paid a large sum of money as a criminal fine. Bank of America paid around 82.7 billion USD since 2000. They paid this criminal fine for its role in 2008’s subprime mortgage crisis as well as the financial crash. 

Bank Of America

Who Paid The Largest Criminal Fine In US History?

If you want to know who paid the largest criminal fine in history, then we already told you before that it’s Pfizer. However, a lot of you may not know the reason for this. The criminal fine of around 2.3 billion USD levied against them in 2009 was less than the large fines of Tepco and BP. However, it was still a new record at that time as the largest healthcare fraud settlement in US history. 

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