Tenant to Tenant Migration Overview

Tenant Migration

Organizations have been using Microsoft Office as the core productivity suite for quite a while now. Over time, technology has advanced, and businesses have adapted according to it and also have implemented those changes in their workflow. Even Microsoft has developed an upgrade for the traditional Microsoft Office Suite known as Office 365 Bundle. The Office 365 bundle is developed on the subscription framework model, which means that organizations need to pay a monthly recurring fee or even annual in some cases to gain access to the bundle. Organizations have the freedom and flexibility to create a custom bundle by manually selecting the application that they need. This ensures that businesses only pay for what they use.

With the added features and functionalities, organizations have been migrating to the Office 365 Bundle. Organizations can use Tenant To Tenant Migration services to migrate all their data safely and securely without any data loss to the Office 365 Bundle. The migration process is tricky and complex, so businesses and organizations should make sure what they are doing. Below is the overview of the Migration Process.

Preparation of Source & Destination Tenants

For the preparation of the source and destination tenants, organizations should create additional users’ mailbox or space in the destination tenant and also increase the user’s licenses. The amount of data of the source tenant as only after looking over it, it would be decided whether to perform it manually or using the office 365 admin center. 

Domain Preparation:

Domain data transfer is fundamentally required and is not at all an easy process to carry out. While performing the migration process the entire user’s data needs to be transferred to the new tenant from the old tenant. A text record has to be generated and saved from the DNS verification. This whole process approximately takes about 72 hours to be carried out.

Account Preparation:

It is recommended and is important to prepare the users’ accounts before carrying out the migration process. Generally, A CSV File is created wherein the email ids of all the users can be entered and stored. This CSV would have all the email Ids that would be migrated to the target tenant. Businesses should carry out Migration Processes through trusted Cloud Desktop Providers only.

Disable Azure Active Directory Sync

Active Directory Sync enables accessing all the public files and folders, SharePoint & many other miscellaneous resources. Before the migration process takes place, the Azure active directory needs to be disabled from the source tenant. Approximately, this whole process takes 24 hours to complete. Once Azure Active Directory Sync is disabled from the portal, the changes that will be made in the Source office 365 will no longer synchronize with the Office 365 Organization.

Activity on Migration Day:

Some essential activities that will be carried out on the migration day are:

1: Source Office 365 Tenant will no longer receive any emails.

2: Domain of the Source Tenant will be migrated and destined to the Target Tenant

3: The domain of the Source Tenant will then be verified on the Target Tenant with the list of the users that will be migrated to the Target Tenant.

As you see this is the basic overview of what exactly takes place in the Tenant-To-Tenant Migration Process. Apps4Rent provides migration services such as to migrate SharePoint from one tenant to another with top-notch security and round-the-clock support.